The fourth edition of the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art featured artwork created in the spring of the 2000-01 school year.
The contest was judged in March of 2001.
With this contest, the deadline was moved from the fall to the spring to provide more time to design, produce, print and distribute the calendar. Calendars were made available by participating Indiana electric cooperatives in early autumn of 2001.
With this contest, the format was flipped from the previous three editions (and all following editions): high school seniors were given January and the calendar ended with first graders illustrating December. With the move of the deadline to the spring, the students who had participated in the contest to illustrate the 2001 calendar in the fall of 2000 were still in the same grades for the 2002 contest’s spring 2001 deadline. Wanting to give students a fresh month to illustrate but keep the grade assignments easily understood for future contests, contest coordinators flipped the assignments for this one year only.
The Best of Show was 12th Grade/January winner Nicholas Sanders of Terre Haute, Ind.
The contest brought in over 8,170 entries.
Other than kindergarten with the cover, the winning works from this year are not included in the Gallery displaying the works by grade.