The Operation Round Up program allows WIN Energy REMC members to reach out to worthy causes in their communities and work together to help others. Thank you to those members who round up their electric bills to the next highest dollar each month. Since the inception of the program in May 2013, 218 grants have been awarded to local organizations totaling over $671,000. Your small change is really making a big difference for organizations in our community!
The WIN Energy REMC Community Trust recently presented four grants totaling $18,024 awarded to the following organizations:
Arthur Foundation, Inc.
Received $5,000 to purchase a bucket front loader for its tractor.
Indiana Military Museum
Received $7,500 to purchase wall graphics for its exhibits.
Owensville Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry
Received $3,500 to purchase food and paper products for its food pantry.
Petersburg Police Department
Received $2,024 to purchase ballistic vests for its officers.