District 1 | RESIDENCE Washington Township

Danny Lawson is a self-employed farmer residing in Washington Township. Lawson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture and animal science from Purdue University. He has been on the Boone REMC board of directors since 1994. Lawson is a member of the Breeders and Feeders Association and past president of the Indiana Farm Management Association. He and his wife, Jane, have three daughters and one son and attend St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lebanon
District 2 | RESIDENCE Washington Township

Tom Dull and his wife, Kerry, are the co-owners of Dull’s Tree Farm. They reside in Washington Township and attend Mechanicsburg Christian Church, where Dull serves as an elder. Tom and Kerry have one daughter and one son. Dull is the past president of the National Christmas Tree Association and serves on the board of the Boone County Farm Bureau. He is also a past member of the AgriInstitute board and has graduated from the organization’s leadership class. Dull holds a Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University. He has served on the Boone REMC board of directors since 1999; he is currently the vice chairman and has earned the Credentialed Cooperative Director designation and Board Leadership Certificate.
District 3 | RESIDENCE Eagle Township

Mark Gruninger is a resident of Eagle Township in Zionsville. He is currently employed by Purdue University’s School of Materials Engineering as its managing director of industrial consortia. He holds advanced degrees in engineering and management from Rutgers and Purdue universities, respectively. Gruninger has been a Boone REMC member for over 20 years, having been elected to its board of directors in 2014 and begun serving as its secretary/treasurer in 2018. He has earned the Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate. Gruninger is member and volunteer at Zionsville Presbyterian Church. He and his wife, Nancy, have one daughter and one son.
The director election will take place at the Boone REMC Annual Meeting on March 7 at Lebanon High School. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR POSTCARDS TO THE ANNUAL MEETING AS YOUR OFFICIAL REGISTRATION.