2024 report

Posted on Jun 21 2024 in Fulton County REMC
Andrew Horstman

Fulton County REMC’s 86th Annual Membership Meeting will be held on June 24. I look forward to seeing you there. The meeting will start at noon at the Fulton County REMC office.

Drive-thru registration and voting will run until 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m., the business meeting and announcement of the board of directors’ election results will be available for members to view on Facebook Live. Be sure to follow us on your favorite social media platform — Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), or LinkedIn — to stay up to date on all things co-op related.

Over the last year, our industry, like everyone else, has been dealing with high inflation. This has raised our cost for materials and labor, yet we still managed to meet our 2023 budget. We are on track to meet our 2024 budget. However, our margins for 2024 have gone down.

The FCREMC staff has been working diligently on upgrades to improve services for all our members. Providing reliable, safe, and affordable power remains our top priority while we navigate system growth and external financial factors.

Over the last year, we have improved several processes and updated several internal systems. We have improved our digital system map, which improves outage response and restoration time. Our accounting department has improved several processes, which help the business run more efficiently. We have also improved our technology and cyber security to keep our data and yours safe.

This year, we are working on a new four-year construction work plan. This plan identifies areas of our system that need to be updated and areas that are seeing load growth. We have a new substation being constructed later this year, with an in-service date estimated for Q3 of 2025. These efforts will improve reliability and make the system more efficient. A new pre-paid rate option will be available later this year; details about this rate option will be released soon.

As we move forward, I can assure you that all of us at FCREMC are planning for the future and working hard to best serve you, our members.