Our commitment to reliable service starts with ensuring that our equipment functions correctly. Over the past year, our metering department has been visiting your property to change out the electric meter at your house. This process has been part of an automated metering system upgrade. Their visit, while quick, could result in a momentary power outage during the installation.
We will also periodically check your house’s meter to ensure it is performing correctly. Even with today’s technology, we make it a point to do a visual inspection of our equipment.
Our crews might also visit your property for other reasons; for example, when performing inspections of pad-mounted transformers (the large green boxes). This inspection program takes place annually during the summer/fall months.
We understand that seeing someone on the side of your house or walking through your yard can be concerning. Employees performing work will be in a marked vehicle, wearing clothing with the REMC logo, and carrying an identification card. If you see a KV REMC employee at your house and want to verify the reason for their visit, please feel free to ask them or contact the REMC office.
For more information, you can visit “Rules and Regulations” at kvremc.com.