Here’s Your Fall 2023 To-Do Checklist

Posted on Aug 30 2023 in Features, Newton County REMC
Fall image

Now’s the ideal time to start preparing your home for the impending cooler weather. Use this handy checklist of chores that includes tips from The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) to start your season off on the right foot.

□ Safely store warm weather tools, such as trimmers and lawnmowers. Check your cold weather tools, such as leaf and snow blowers — along with their power cords — for wear and tear, and repair or replace worn tools or parts.

□ Clean and store patio furniture, umbrellas and pool toys.

□ Unplug and safely store battery chargers that won’t be in use again until spring.

□ Have a professional check your furnace to ensure its safety, especially if you use gas, propane or other fuels that produce combustion gases. These gases must be safely vented from your home.

□ A professional can also do a thorough check of your heat pump to ensure it’s working properly, lubricate moving parts and check safety controls.

□ Check your filter and change it monthly. Whether you have a heat pump or a forced air system, the filter’s cleanliness directly affects your system’s efficiency.

□ Vacuum registers and air returns, and make sure none are blocked by drapes or furniture.

□ If any leaves have fallen, sweep them away from outdoor lighting, outlets and power cords.