Boone REMC’s Operation Round Up board of trustees recently awarded more than $17,000 in grants for community projects.
- BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF BOONE COUNTY received $3,636 to purchase iPads, cases, and protectors for Power Hour, during which students are provided with learning activities and homework help.
- HOOSIER HERITAGE QUILT GUILD was awarded $949.75 to purchase materials to make blankets for the Boone County Sheriff’s Office to hand out to those in need.
- INDIANA CENTER FOR PREVENTION OF YOUTH ABUSE AND SUICIDE received $2,000 to help purchase body safety training materials for Boone County students.
- SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOONE COUNTY was awarded $7,500 for its Summer Games program.
- ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH received $3,210 to provide window insulation kits for local residents.
Operation Round Up is a voluntary program for which Boone REMC members allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the next whole dollar. Those extra cents are put into an independent, 501(c)3 trust and disbursed through a grant process. An independent board of trustees reviews grant requests on a quarterly basis.
“We appreciate all of our members who allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the next highest dollar each month, donating those extra cents for projects that improve our local communities,” said Mandy Saucerman, communications director. “We are proud to offer this program, as it is an opportunity for us to demonstrate one of our founding principles, ‘concern for community.’”
Since Operation Round Up’s inception locally in 2006, more than $968,000 has been donated in grants to support community projects.
Non-profit organizations can apply for funding at bremc.com/operation-round-up-grants.
The board requests that all applications be submitted via the online form. The next deadline is Feb. 15.