2023 Annual Meeting minutes

Posted on Jun 21 2024 in Fulton County REMC

Registration and voting for the June 26, 2023, Annual Meeting took place between noon and 6 p.m. at the Fulton County REMC Office. A total of 398 members registered and voted.

Dennis Burton, president of the board of directors, called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Fred McGlothin led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, following by the Invocation given by Angie Miller.

Burton thanked the members for watching the meeting on our social media and introduced our special guests: Cathy Raderstorf, CEO at Carroll White REMC; Debra Hunter from IEC; Levi McNeely and Lauren Davis from WVPA. He then introduced all the employees and the current board of directors and thanked them for their service to FCREMC.

TJ Garner, COO, introduced the recent scholarship winners. He then talked about Operation Round Up and gave the Community Involvement report.

Carissa Ziemek, marketing and communications coordinator introduced the outgoing and incoming student board.

Andrew Horstman, CEO and Burton, present Service Awards to the following employees: Carrie Craig, Lisa Bunn and Brandon Wortley.

Leander Hoover, secretary, reported that notice of the Annual Meeting was mailed to each member of record on June 1, 2023, and asked for a motion to wave the reading of the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proof of Giving Notice. A motion to waive the reading of the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proof of Giving Notice was made, seconded and carried.

Hoover then reported a copy of the minutes of our Annual Meeting held June 27, 2022, was included in this year’s annual report in the June Indiana Connection. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to waive the reading of the minutes of the June 27, 2022, Annual Meeting and to approve them as mailed.

Kelly Kitchen, CFO, presented the financial report for the Cooperative.

Horstman presented the CEO report.

Prize drawings then took place.

Andy Perkins, attorney, reported that Stacy Harsh was elected to chair the balloting committee. Harsh reported the election winners as follows:

  • District 4: Angela Miller
  • District 6: Leander Hoover

There was no new business. When Burton asked for questions or comments, there were none.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7 p.m.