Connecting people to community resources

Posted on Jun 19 2024 in Tipmont
Ron Holcomb

Building a successful business of any size requires vision, innovation, and hard work. That’s the same approach we take at Wintek Business Solutions — offering leading-edge fiber-optic connections, secure protection, and local customer-service expertise to businesses across greater Lafayette. (Learn more at our new website,

Strong networks mean nothing, however, if we do not also connect people to strong community resources. That’s why Wintek Business Solutions (WBS) is honored to support numerous local organizations with financial sponsorship, educational programs, and event connectivity.

When considering sponsorship, WBS evaluates three elements for the communities we serve:

  • Education: Empowering residents with knowledge
  • Economic Development: Promoting and supporting positive economic development
  • Employee Engagement: Initiatives to which our employees (and their families) devote time and passion

These include:

  • Girl Scouts of Central Indiana: WBS offers education for badge programs, financial support for an annual carnival, and tours of the WBS Data Center. This builds connections between our work and community wellness while encouraging data-driven careers.
  • Jefferson High School “Zen Den”: School can be difficult for students facing challenges with sensory processing or emotionally overwhelming situations. We are proud to sponsor a friendly, calm, and welcoming environment with appropriate resources for sensory expression.
  • Lafayette Aviators: WBS is proud to support our hometown baseball team, donate tickets to local organizations, and sponsor the Ace Race. See page 6 for a discount code for tickets.
  • Jefferson High School — Unified E-Sports Team: E-sports establishes organized, competitive gameplay and encourages positive outcomes shared with traditional sports. WBS assists with financial contributions and advisory consultation from our experts.
  • Greater Lafayette Career+™: The Career+™ Ecosystem pools talents from area schools, Ivy Tech Community College, and regional employers like WBS to help K-12 students connect the dots between their educational aptitude and fulfilling career paths.
  • West Lafayette Parks & Recreation: WBS proudly sponsors free WiFi connectivity for West Lafayette’s annual Global Fest event, as well as at the city’s Squirrel Park. We also sponsor the city’s annual Fall Festival.
  • Next Generation Workforce Expo: WBS helps inspire eighth through 12th graders who may not plan to attend college to consider meaningful technical careers, the importance of broadband access for manufacturers, and an essential need for cybersecurity.
  • Construction Career & Education (C2E) Expo: Construction infrastructure is essential to the networks WBS manages. At this event, WBS initiates conversations with young people about fiber broadband, fiber engineering, and careers overseeing fiber installation.

For more information on support and sponsorship opportunities, contact External Affairs Director Jody Hamilton at 765-269-8536 or