Two board members retire from Operation Round Up

Posted on Sep 06 2024 in Marshall County REMC
Former Secretary Doug Kucera (left) and former Chairman Janet Howard of the Operation Round Up board. Their terms came to an end at the meeting on July 30, 2024.
Former Secretary Doug Kucera (left) and former Chairman Janet Howard of the Operation Round Up board. Their terms came to an end at the meeting on July 30, 2024.

After 10 years of dedication and commitment to Operation Round Up and the community, Janet Howard, chairman, and Doug Kucera, secretary, retired from the program. Since Operation Round Up began in 2013, Howard and Kucera have been fundamental to the program’s success.

They continually went above and beyond their duties to ensure the program helped as many members of the community as possible. “Each quarter, I am proud our cooperative supports the community by participating in the Operation Round Up Program,” said Arianna Thome, communications specialist at Marshall County REMC. “The board is passionate and truly cares about the success of each organization that applies.” The Operation Round Up board would like to thank Howard and Kucera for their time and devotion throughout the years.

Howard stated, “I have enjoyed the last 11 years working with the board members. I’m glad that we have been able to help many organizations over the years. It’s so rewarding to be able to help our community.”

“As my term on the Operation Round Up Board has ended, I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve on the board and help the community. The Operation Round Up program is really something special,” said Kucera.

Marshall County REMC appreciates Howard and Kucera’s impact on the Operation Round Up program during their tenure. The Operation Round Up board will welcome two new members in the fall. We are excited to see how the board will lend a helping hand to Marshall County’s communities going forward.