Local organizations awarded $5,000 in Operation Round Up grants

Posted on Sep 09 2024 in Orange County REMC
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Each month, members who wish to participate in Operation Round Up can have Orange County REMC automatically round their electric and/or fiber bill to the next highest dollar. Those extra nickels, dimes and quarters are added to a fund overseen by a volunteer group of trustees that review requests for grants for the funds. The total amount of grants awarded since 2003 is $620,352.21.

Details of the most recent round of grants awarded are listed below:

Melton Public Library received a $500 grant for bookshelves and tables.

Team Peace Inc. received a $500 grant for program supplies.

Paoli Police Department received a $500 grant for a portal armored shield.

Orleans Municipal Fire Department received a $500 grant for a rapid response kit and triage shelters.

Families Rising received a $1,000 grant for startup expenses.

Coats for Kids of Orange County received a $2,000 grant for coats, gloves, and hats.

The next application deadline is Oct. 18. Visit myremc.coop for more information.