Growing up co-op

Posted on Sep 14 2024 in WIN Energy REMC
Leslie Beard

As a young girl, I grew up in rural Indiana in our family home, which was served by the local REMC. At that time, I didn’t really understand what it meant to be part of a co-op, nor did I comprehend the importance electric cooperatives played in the history of rural America. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized how much the cooperative business model aligned with the core values instilled in me as a child — working together, serving others, and giving back to the local community. I am thankful to have the opportunity to utilize and promote these values as I serve the electric industry and WIN Energy REMC.

Looking back, the electric utility industry has always been an important part of my life. I guess you could say it is “in my blood.” My father had a 40-year career in the industry, with his last 18 years at an electric cooperative. When I accepted my first job at WIN Energy REMC 23 years ago, it was not in my thoughts that one day I would have the opportunity to lead this organization as its CEO, but it is an honor and a blessing to serve our membership in this capacity.

As a member of WIN Energy REMC, I have something in common with you — I am a member, too! And just like me, my kids grew up on co-op lines and have learned the importance of the cooperative business model and its core values. Living on co-op lines is more than just knowing there are people working to bring you safe, reliable, and affordable electric service. Living on co-op lines means local men and women are working to serve our community and its members.

Growing up co-op, I have seen how electric cooperatives make a difference in the lives of their members and communities. As a WIN Energy member and employee, I know how much of a difference the cooperative has made in my life. As your CEO, I am committed to the cooperative values and proud to continue our mission of working together, serving our members, and giving back to our local communities.