A month to celebrate co-ops

Posted on Oct 01 2024 in From the Editor
Britt Davis
Britt Davis, editor

October is National Cooperative Month. Indiana Connection is published by Indiana Electric Cooperatives, which is the service organization for our state’s member-owned electric co-ops. If you’re receiving this magazine, you are probably a co-op member.

It’s easy to think of your co-op as just an electric company, but as I’ve learned over the last 10 months as editor, it is so much more than that.

Co-ops operate according to seven cooperative principles, which include:

  • Voluntary and Open Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Members’ Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training, and Information
  • Cooperation Among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community

 These principles are the main reason that your co-op is different from a for-profit electric company. Unlike other electric companies, your co-op never takes in a profit. It only uses enough funds to power your electricity and returns the rest as capital credits.

I have been most impressed with how the co-ops take the “Concern for Community” principle seriously. From Operation Round Up to scholarships, Camp Kilowatt, and Youth Tour, the co-ops make a concerted effort to support their local communities. Those programs can make a huge difference in people’s lives.

It’s common practice for companies to be all about profits and competing with others. Indiana’s electric co-ops strive to be more than that and do some good along the way. That’s something to celebrate.