Avoid phantom loads

Posted on Oct 02 2024 in Boone REMC

Did you know that if your TV, computer, and other appliances are plugged in, they quietly drain electricity — all day, every day — even when turned off? When switched off or in a standby mode, electric power consumed by products is known as standby power or phantom loads. While it may not be readily noticed, standby power is a big issue. It accounts for 5 to 10% of residential energy use. But once you’re aware, it’s easy to spot these energy vampires and fight back against them.


There’s one foolproof way to fight back against phantom energy drain, and it’s not simply clicking the off button. Instead, unplug any devices that you’re not actively using. Certain appliances, like your refrigerator, need to stay plugged in, but many don’t. Some common devices we leave plugged into our bathroom and home office include hair dryers, computers, and TVs. Many of us are guilty of leaving cell phone chargers plugged into the outlet all day long. Even when your phone isn’t plugged in, that charger can draw from 0.1 to 0.5 watts per hour. It may not seem like a lot, but it adds up over time.


Many ENERGY STAR® products are energy efficient and have lower standby power than comparable non-ENERGY® STAR products.


You can use a power strip with an on/off switch to plug in several appliances. If you plug several of your products into a power strip and flip off the power strip when these items are not in use, they are truly off. Too often, homeowners simply load up the extra outlets on their power strip and leave it on all day. To make sure the connected devices aren’t running up your electric bill, turn the switch to off when you’re not using the devices it’s powering. Some smart power strips automatically shut down appliances that go into standby mode.

Source: Energy.gov

Free power strips

To celebrate National Co-op Month and get into the spirit of spooky season, we invite our members to stop by our office during the month of October to pick up a free power strip to stop energy vampires in your home! One per member while supplies last.