Annual meeting recap

Posted on Dec 01 2024 in Miami-Cass REMC

The 85th Miami-Cass REMC Annual Meeting was held on Sept. 24, 2024, at the Miami Cass REMC headquarters. Total attendance at the meeting was 100 registered members representing 2% of the total voting membership. All registered members who attended received a $15 bill credit.

Miami-Cass REMC employee Mike Barron welcomed everyone, Dr. Cole Westwood gave the invocation, and Rocket Schwartz played the national anthem on the piano.

REMC Board President Jim Savage called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for tuning in to the virtual meeting. He then spoke about the past year and all the hard work being put into maintaining electric lines and working on fiber internet.

Then, CEO Rob Schwartz addressed the members (see highlights on page 5).

J. Michael Deweese, Miami-Cass REMC attorney, announced that the board appointments ran uncontested this year and that the following board members were, thus, duly elected to serve for another three-year term.

Director election results:

DISTRICT 1 — Jim Savage

DISTRICT 3 — Scott Marschand

DISTRICT 4 — Don Willson

The meeting was concluded with the selection of winners of $500 and $100 bill credits and scholarship winners.