Bambusch’s mission: Bring power to those in need          

Posted on Mar 13 2025 in Orange County REMC
Bambusch on pole in Guatemala
Orange County REMC’s Brandon Bambusch and another lineman work to install equipment on a pole that was placed by hand in the remote mountain region along the western edge of Guatemala.

Last month, Orange County REMC Journeyman Lineman Brandon Bambusch, along with lineworkers from 15 other Indiana co-ops, spent two weeks in Palmira, Guatemala, as part of Project Indiana. 

The crews worked without the usual heavy equipment and brought electricity to 109 homes high in the mountains for the first time. 

Project Indiana grew out of an effort that started in 2012, with just two Indiana line teams traveling to Guatemala and working for a month to bring power to three villages. The project has continued to grow with many more crews making the trip over the years.