A ‘Concern for Community’ guides our cooperative

Posted on Sep 11 2024 in Southern Indiana Power

Steve Seibert

At Southern Indiana Power, we adhere to the seven cooperative principles that guide our decision-making process. The seventh principle, “Concern for Community,” resonates deeply with us. It shapes how we operate and engage with our local communities throughout the year.

Electric cooperatives have a proud tradition of giving back, and at Southern Indiana Power, this is one of our primary areas of focus. Our annual Community Day exemplifies this spirit as employees roll up their sleeves to work on various projects across our service territory. Whether it’s replacing ballpark light poles, lighting up community events, restringing flagpoles for schools, or cleaning forest trails, our team is dedicated to making our community a better place to live.

Our commitment doesn’t stop there. You will often find Southern Indiana Power employees volunteering on their own time, whether serving ice cream at a church picnic, running bingo games, coaching youth sports, or participating in local clubs and organizations. Our members also play a crucial role through initiatives like Operation Round Up, where small contributions from their energy bills go a long way in supporting local non-profits, food pantries, and volunteer fire departments.

Our dedication to “community” extends beyond our borders. We have sent lineworkers overseas to bring electricity to communities that have never experienced its benefits. This is a testament to our belief that helping others is an act of love — one that can take many forms, from time and money to knowledge and support, all given without expecting anything in return.

We encourage everyone to join us in fulfilling the cooperative principle of “Concern for Community.” Clean out your closets and donate clothes to your local Salvation Army, Goodwill, or church clothing drive. Volunteer at a food or toy drive, deliver meals to the sick and elderly or simply cook a meal for a neighbor in need. Every act, no matter how small, strengthens the fabric of our community.

At Southern Indiana Power, we believe that giving back enriches the lives of others and brings a deep sense of fulfillment to those who give. So, take the time to make a difference in your community — you will be glad you did.