Every year, the cooperative is required to conduct an annual meeting of the membership. The purpose is to hold an election for the board of directors selected by you, share financial information and listen to cooperative updates. Being a cooperative means we’re owned by you, our members.
Southern Indiana Power’s annual meeting has always been a place for old friends to converse, new friendships to form and a glance into the past and look into future of the cooperative.
Each year after the annual meeting, we review survey results, discuss positives/negatives of the meeting and review the overall cost of the event. After careful consideration, it was decided to change the meeting format, location and registration/voting options for 2020. The 2020 Southern Indiana Power annual meeting will be a “business style” meeting held at the Tell City High School Auditorium. The major objective behind these changes is to open up access to encourage member participation.
In previous annual meetings, registering for the meeting and voting for directors could only be done at the annual meeting, which means you obviously had to attend. Beginning this year, we wanted to open up access to allow all members to register and vote for the board of directors. This will be accomplished by a new mail-in registration/ballot option.
In mid-March, members will receive the new mail-in registration/ballot materials at their billing address with complete instructions to register for the annual meeting and cast their votes. The completed registration/ballot will be sent to a separate mailing address (not the co-op’s) and counted under the supervision of Southern Indiana Power’s attorney.
Members who are unable to attend the annual meeting but who return their ballot will be registered for a chance to win one of 10 $100 cash prizes.
As always, registration and voting will be available for annual meeting attendees. If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring your registration card with you. Annual meeting attendees will be entered to win cash prize drawings totaling $2,000.
Next month, look for more details about the meeting and a detailed agenda.
I look forward to seeing you next month and hope you welcome the changes to the annual meeting as we evolve into the future together.