Annual Meeting packet mailed

Posted on May 27 2024 in Bartholomew County REMC

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held virtually on June 13. Bartholomew County REMC will mail the annual report and voting material for your board of directors and nominating committee members in Districts 1 and 4 to each member’s home on May 13. This will allow 30 days to cast your vote before the virtual Annual Meeting when the election results will be announced.

This is your opportunity to vote for directors and nominating committee candidates before the Annual Meeting and receive a $5 bill credit.

There are two ways to vote. Choose only one of these methods.

  1. Use the enclosed ballot and business reply envelope to return your vote through the mail.
  2. Use the unique passcode and website printed on the enclosed ballot to vote online.

Also enclosed with the voting materials is a fair parking pass for the meet and greet at the fair on June 25. Come meet your directors and enjoy a night at the fair by surrendering the parking pass upon entry. Please detach the top part of your voting ballot and bring it the day at the fair to receive $25 of fair food vouchers to use at select vendors.

Those who participate in the election will receive a $5 bill credit. The election will close on June 12 at noon. Please allow for the timely receipt and processing of your ballot. If you are near the deadline, use the vote by website option.

If you have any questions about our Annual Meeting packet, the voting process, or the meet and greet, call us at 812-372-2546. Voting in your cooperative’s election reinforces that you are a member and have a voice.

We hope you enjoy the opportunity to take part in the cooperative’s leadership and democratic process.

Join us virtually for the Annual Meeting, and we will see you at the fair!