April BOD highlights

Posted on May 30 2019 in Southern Indiana Power

In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the April 24 board meeting.

1. All directors were present along with CEO Steve Seibert and Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton. Also present was cooperative attorney Chris Goffinet. 

2. The March 27 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

3. The membership certificates and vouchers were reviewed and approved.

4. The March directors’ reports were reviewed and approved.

5. The first item of business was the reorganization of the board. Director Jeff Vogel was re-elected chairman of the board, director Philip Meyer was re-elected vice chairman, and director Kevin Waninger was re-elected secretary/treasurer.

6. The board to approved changes to board policy 520.R1 youth programs.

7. The board reviewed a summary of the NRECA good governance task force report.

8. The CEO report was presented with Seibert reporting the following items:

a. Seibert updated the board on a broadband fiber to the home (FTTH)
    project with PSC.  

b. Seibert reported on a RUS audit that will conclude April 26.

c. Seibert reviewed a new three-part irrigation rate that is being implemented.

d. Seibert provided an update on the April 16 annual meeting reporting 424
members registered for the annual meeting. David Lynch was elected district 7 director, Jeff Vogel was re-elected to district 1 and Philip Meyer was re-elected to serve district 2, each for three-year terms.

e. Seibert and Director Dirk Stein attended the PCDC annual dinner on April 11.

f. Seibert provided a 2018 property tax report.

g. Seibert informed the board the 2018 Form 7 is complete.

h. Seibert reported on the AMI upgrade. Approximately 500 new meters have been installed and 1,500 meters have been purchased.

i. Seibert reported the following dates: NRECA legislative conference – April 28-30, CFC Forum – July 1-3 and CoBank energy conference – July 15-16.

9. The 2019 Southern Indiana Power annual meeting was reviewed. The board approved Tuesday, April 21, as the 2020 annual meeting date.

10. Chuck Tiemann, senior risk management/regulatory consultant with Indiana Electric Cooperatives, conducted PPE, rubber gloves and rubber protective equipment safety training on March 28. Brandon Gentry, training and safety instructor with Hoosier Energy, conducted substation skill improvement training on April 4. Seibert advised there were no lost time accidents and no public liability claims to report. 

11. The board approved 2018 capital credit allocations as presented by Seibert.

12. Office/IT Manager Karen Mangum was appointed assistant secretary/treasurer to the board of directors for 2019.

13. The board approved a corporate donation to United Way.

14. Director Randy Kleaving reported on the Hoosier Energy annual meeting held April 4.

15. Director Kleaving reported on an Indiana Electric Cooperatives board meeting held April 17.

16. The next two regularly scheduled board of directors meetings will be Wednesday, May 29, and Wednesday, June 26.