A plain patch of parched grass may one day bloom with bustling buildings thanks partly to electric cooperatives plotting the way. Electric distribution co-ops and the generation and transmission cooperatives that provide them with wholesale power plan for development in the regions they serve. They must anticipate future growth and ensure that electricity is available… Continue reading.
By Matt Strahl Many people lock their doors to prevent thieves from gaining easy access to their home — while leaving it accessible to people thousands of miles away. Smart devices can be found in millions of homes and apartments for virtually any purpose, such as powering refrigerators, washers and dryers, wall outlets, and even… Continue reading.
We are happy to have gained more than 800 enrollments in paperless billing during our recent promotion! All accounts enrolled in paperless billing were entered into a drawing for two $500 bill credits. The winners were: Going paperless helps your electric cooperative hold down costs by reducing the amount of money we must spend on… Continue reading.
Construction on our new facility is in full swing! We are excited about the capabilities our new office, warehouse, and storage buildings on our current property in Lebanon will provide us to serve our members. With the excitement comes some temporary changes due to the construction. If you need to visit our office, please be… Continue reading.
One of the things that makes Boone REMC unique is that, annually, our customers — who are also member-owners of our cooperative — can vote in board of director elections. Because we are a cooperative, we also conduct an annual business meeting to provide our members with important updates and a financial report. As part… Continue reading.
Cleaning throughout your home can make a big difference in your energy consumption, helping you save energy and money. Perform these simple steps this month to ensure your home is as clean and energy-efficient as possible. Clean your air ducts and vents Cleaning out all the accumulated dust and dirt makes things easier for your… Continue reading.
If you pulled your desk or TV cabinet out from the wall, you would probably find a tangle of cords, cables, wires, and plugs. That tangle isn’t so good for your electronics. Besides creating a tripping hazard, a mess of electrical cords could lead to a fire if they’re all plugged into the same overloaded… Continue reading.
Use a checklist to get the most out of your spring cleaning. Tackle every room in your house, from bedrooms to bathrooms to the kitchen and the living room.
This month, we are featuring Harmony IN Horses, a non-profit organization that connects wild-born mustangs with foster youth. This group received its first grant from Boone REMC’s Operation Round Up. I hope you take the time to read about the fantastic work they are doing for children and animals. In 2025, we are making a… Continue reading.
You probably have a good reason why you want to take on a do-it-yourself home project. Maybe you have acquired the skills to do the work on your own, or perhaps you want to save money, or you enjoy the challenge. When working on these projects, it’s important to keep safety in mind. You can… Continue reading.
When you think of Larry Bird, you can’t help but think of Indiana. That’s why, when the idea of centralizing the basketball legend’s collection came about, there was no question of where it should go but Terre Haute, Indiana. Visitors to the recently opened Larry Bird Museum can get a close-up view of Bird’s most… Continue reading.
On a small farm in rural Sheridan, Indiana, you’ll find a unique non-profit organization, Harmony IN Horses, connecting wild-born Mustangs with foster youth. It’s not just equine therapy — it’s an effort to change the lives of youth and the horses they work with. Through careful mentorship and trust-building, Harmony IN Horses enables connections that… Continue reading.