Posts by: Indiana Connection
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About distributed generation systems
As Americans, we place a high value on our independence. One increasingly popular way to establish that independence has been installing an on-site generation source at your home that gives you a greater measure of control over your electricity supply. As an increasing number of consumers install grid-connected distributed generation (DG) systems, like solar panels… Continue reading.
Giving back to the community
Do you contribute to Operation Round Up with your bill each month? If you’re part of the nearly 80% of members who do, thank you for starting 2024 off right with your donation, which will support many organizations throughout the year. For those who need a refresher, LaGrange County REMC’s Operation Round Up program allows… Continue reading.
Apply for our scholarships!
LAGRANGE COUNTY REMC CONTINUOUSLY LOOKS FOR WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY. That’s why each year we assist our young members in their pursuit of higher education by awarding scholarships to our graduating seniors. Each year, LaGrange County REMC awards three $1,000 scholarships to help area students further their education at an accredited college or trade… Continue reading.
Participate in our survey
Watch your email for a media preference survey from LaGrange County REMC via MRI-Simmons Research, arriving between March 7 and 14. Your insights on how you prefer to receive information from us are vital. This online questionnaire will help guide our strategies for communicating with you. Your voice matters in shaping our future interactions, so… Continue reading.
Save the date!
LaGrange County REMC Annual Meeting Friday, June 7 4–6 p.m. Join us on site for the 2024 Annual Meeting! We will be offering pork burgers, hot dogs, chips, ice cream, and drinks from 4–6 p.m. on Friday, June 7. Though the annual meeting won’t be completely like the events before 2020, we’re excited to get… Continue reading.
Allen celebrates retirement
Rod Allen retired in January after 36 years of service at Steuben County REMC. Allen was gifted a memory box at his retirement party with a photo of him during a 2013 pole top rescue training. Happy retirement!
Are you ready for fast, reliable internet?
Operation grants awarded
As your co-op, we are empowered to do more for our community. Steuben County REMC members recently awarded funds to two local organizations in our community through the Operation Round Up program. The average contribution by a member per year is $6, with a maximum contribution of $11.88. These pennies, donated by members like you,… Continue reading.
Ulrich completes IEC apprenticeship program
Twenty-two lineworkers recently graduated from Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ (IEC) apprenticeship program, Rural Electric Apprenticeship Program (REAP), including our very own Daylon Ulrich. REAP is a four-year program that professionally trains apprentice lineworkers from across Indiana. Graduates complete 612 hours of classroom-related study and 8,000 hours of on-the-job training at their electric cooperative. Cooperative apprentices also… Continue reading.
Participate in our survey!
Watch your email for a media preference survey from Steuben County REMC via MRI-Simmons Research, arriving between March 7 and 14. Your insights on how you prefer to receive information from us are vital. This online questionnaire will help guide our strategies for communicating with you. Your voice matters in shaping our future interactions, so… Continue reading.