Our 2024 Annual Meeting is right around the corner! In late March, all Boone REMC members will be mailed an official notice that includes a director election ballot and registration card. Members who participate in the director election will receive a bill credit. One option for returning your ballot is a drive-thru event at the… Continue reading.
This month, we’re conducting a member satisfaction survey via email to understand what drives your satisfaction with Boone REMC. Because we are a not-for-profit cooperative owned by those we serve, we desire your feedback on programs and services and your experience with us. Thank you for taking the time to participate!
Each spring, electric cooperatives around the country recognize the hard work and dedication of our linemen who work in challenging and dangerous conditions to keep the power on. We welcome the community to be a part of Lineman Appreciation Day by sharing thank-you notes for our operations team. We’ve created a “linemen are heroes” coloring… Continue reading.
Boone REMC will award 15 – $500 post-secondary scholarships through a random drawing at our annual meeting on April 20. Applicants must meet the following requirements: The application must be completed online by 4:30 p.m. on April 19. Visit bremc.com/youth for more details. Questions can be sent to Mandy Saucerman, Communications Director, at msaucerman@bremc.com. Applicants… Continue reading.
Most homes have multiple devices with filters that, if neglected, can negatively impact energy efficiency, comfort, and equipment performance. Proper filter maintenance can reduce your energy bills and repair expenses and make your home more comfortable. Here are some filters around your house that may need your attention. HVAC FILTER Your HVAC filter is responsible… Continue reading.
Spring is a time of hope and renewal, but it can also bring severe weather. Take these steps to keep your home and family safe during spring storms. SAFETY FIRST Make sure your family is ready to stay safe during a storm or other emergency. INSPECT THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOME Your house is designed… Continue reading.
This time of year, it’s not just basketball madness that people feel. The volatile Indiana weather can feel like all four seasons in one day. This spring, your home’s temperature may feel like it’s soaring and sinking with the weather. To avoid scary energy bills caused by your heating and cooling system working harder than… Continue reading.
Hoosier Energy announces the 2024 recipients of the W. Eugene Roberts and Daniel L. Schuckman Memorial Scholarships, given annually to students from Hoosier Energy member cooperatives attending the North American Lineman Training Center (NALTC) in McEwen, Tennessee. Christopher Hollen from Whitewater Valley REMC and Logan Wilson of Daviess-Martin County REMC are this year’s winners. Hollen… Continue reading.
By Richard Biever “Don’t look back,” legendary baseball pitcher Satchel Paige used to advise. “Something might be gaining on you.” For most of us, that something is time. But in our headlong rush around life’s bases, a glance over the shoulder is sometimes appropriate. This is mine. This is my final issue as senior editor… Continue reading.
By Natalie Derrickson Catch a glimpse of the total solar eclipse or pick up a new pastime while exploring Indiana’s observatories. The zone of totality slices through the Hoosier state on April 8. Get a front-row seat with a visit to one of Indiana’s observatories open to the public. Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium Indianapolis A… Continue reading.
Knowing the right time to plant vegetables and herbs can be tricky. The following is a timeline from the Purdue University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture to serve as a guide for when to plant.
Adding a vegetable garden is a great way to connect with nature, save a little money at the grocery store, and eat healthier. Here are some tips for adding a vegetable garden to your yard. SELECT A SITE When picking a spot for your future vegetables, choose a sunny spot, as most vegetables do best… Continue reading.