The idea of running for a spot on our board of directors may seem daunting, but is a great way to serve your community, impart knowledge and enact change. You may think, “I don’t know anything about electricity. How can I lead a co-op?” We’re looking for passion and perspective — not electrical expertise. We… Continue reading.
Serving a rural area means serving more than just its people. Noble REMC aims to serve and protect the land, which supports us all. Each year, we provide grants from our EnviroWatts program to benefit nonprofit service organizations working to better the environment locally in Noble, DeKalb or the surrounding counties. Is your organization improving… Continue reading.
Colder weather typically results in higher energy bills, and with winter in full swing, we would like to remind you about a free co-op service that can help you boost efficiency and save money. As your trusted energy partner, we believe savings and efficiency are within reach for everyone, and we want to help you… Continue reading.
If you’ve been looking for a way to become more involved in the cooperative, and in turn, your community, now is the time to pick up a petition to run for a seat on the LaGrange County REMC board of directors. The board is composed of seven individuals who represent the membership in his or… Continue reading.
CAMP KILOWATT Dates: June 5–8 Camp Kilowatt is a fun and unique camp experience for sixth grade students going into seventh grade. Kids get the chance to learn more about energy while making new friends and enjoying fun activities and games. This dynamic three-day camp includes the following activities: electricity generation and transmission education, horseback… Continue reading.
The LaGrange County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) recently received a $8,500 EnviroWatts grant from LaGrange County REMC. The SWCD was looking to purchase a high-quality, portable water quality testing meter, the OTT HydroMet HL7 sonde. The grant allows the SWCD to achieve its fundraising goal for the program (about $25,000) and will enable… Continue reading.
Take advantage of these youth programs! Visit and view our “Member Benefits” tab to learn more about registration for each youth program. Camp Kilowatt | Apply by March 1 Camp Kilowatt, June 5–8, is a fun and unique experience for sixth-grade students going into seventh grade in 2024. Camp includes electricity generation and transmission… Continue reading.
2024 DIRECTOR PETITION DEADLINE FAST APPROACHING If you reside in district 4, 5, or 8 and are interested in running for election, CONTACT THE OFFICE TO GET YOUR PETITION. The petition must be signed by at least 15 members and returned to the REMC office by Friday, March 8, which is no less than 90… Continue reading.
View our unclaimed capital credit list on our website at This is for members from 1987-1991 or 2008-2009. The deadline to have all necessary completed paperwork to the REMC office is March 5.
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s packed with special observances like Presidents Day, Groundhog Day, and Valentine’s Day. They all have something in common — they were created to draw attention to a particular issue or theme. Valentine’s Day may seem like an observance created by a greeting card company… Continue reading.