In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the Oct. 25 board meeting. 1. All directors were in attendance along with President/CEO Steve Seibert, Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton, Manager of Finance and Accounting Amy Ramsey and Manager of Operations Steve Fortwendel. 2. The Sept. 27,… Continue reading.
Ending one year and looking toward a new year sparks a sense of renewed hope and optimism about the future. It’s a time when, as CEO of Orange County REMC, I think about our company, where we’ve been and where we’re going along with ways we can better serve you, the members of the cooperative…. Continue reading.
We enjoyed seeing so many of our members at the Orange County REMC Annual Member Appreciation Day! Nearly 250 members and their families came out to enjoy the free food, giveaways and to sign up for our prize drawing. Congratulations to KIRK AND DAWN BRATTON who won the laptop and MICHAEL AND SHANNON MEEHAN who… Continue reading.
Orange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation is the recipient of federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). In accordance with federal civil rights law and USDA civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discrimination based on… Continue reading.
On Nov. 18, 1935, a group of Decatur County farmers met at Greensburg courthouse to discuss how to bring electricity to the unserved rural areas of the county. At this meeting, directors were chosen and Decatur County REMC was born. Though farmers initiated the move, we often forget those first directors pushed Decatur County REMC… Continue reading.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present. Also present was CEO Brett Abplanalp and employees Matt Raver, Crystal Greathouse, Abby Asher and Sam Ruf. Dale Wernke moved to approve the agenda. Suzanne Parmer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously…. Continue reading.
Please check the following unclaimed capital credit list to see if we owe you money. Any unclaimed amounts will be turned over to the corporation after 60 days. To claim your refund or for more information, call 812-663-3391. AARON M SMITH ABISHEIK JAYARAJA PERUMAL ADA WEINRICH ALAN CASSON ALBERT E PEARSON ALBERT E WEBER ALBERT… Continue reading.
Last month I announced our software conversion to NISC (National Information Solutions Cooperative). This month I would like to address some of the common questions/concerns we’ve had from our membership. Will members have to pay for this conversion? There are no additional costs for members associated with the new software. This will totally replace our… Continue reading.
The Marshall County REMC Operation Round Up® board awarded $7,549 to the following organizations: Bread of Life Community Food Pantry received funding to purchase an automated external defibrillator (AED) to provide lifesaving care for clients or volunteers who may need it. Bread of Life provides food to supplement the needs of the poor. Brotherhood of… Continue reading.
The nominating committee of Marshall County REMC will meet Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. in the REMC boardroom to select candidates for the contested board of directors election. An REMC board member represents the interests and values of his/her fellow REMC members and helps make important decisions that impact all REMC members, such as company… Continue reading.
Working side-by-side, Indiana’s electric cooperatives demonstrated one of the core cooperative principles: concern for community. Nearly 40 unique service projects were completed throughout the state of Indiana. Through this initiative, electric cooperatives use their time, skills and expertise to make a positive impact throughout the state of Indiana. Marshall County REMC showed their support for… Continue reading.