BY JOSH DURBIN Electric cooperatives are transforming how they plan to meet energy demands to account for more renewables, such as solar and wind, powering the energy grid. The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., known as MISO, manages high-voltage electricity transmission in 15 central U.S. states and Manitoba in Canada. MISO has updated planning requirements… Continue reading.
At WIN Energy REMC, we love a chance to celebrate. This month we are celebrating National Co-op Month! The month is a time to recognize and raise awareness of how cooperatives benefit their members. If you receive your electricity from WIN Energy REMC, you are a part of our cooperative family. You are not a… Continue reading.
Please help welcome Kaleb Audette and Drew Walden to WIN Energy REMC! All three men are first-year apprentice line specialists. Audette joined the Vincennes district, while Walden and Oelheim joined the Princeton district.
Help us congratulate Jaret Roark on his promotion to lead line specialist in the Vincennes district. Roark has been an employee at WIN Energy REMC since June 2017.
Did you know using your dishwasher is more energy efficient than washing a load of dishes by hand? To maximize efficiency, wash full loads in the dishwasher and don’t block the arms or other parts that move while the appliance is in use. For additional savings, turn on the “air dry” setting instead of using… Continue reading.
In today’s world, most of us don’t leave the front door unlocked. We protect our homes, loved ones and valuables from intruders with locks, alarms and other security measures. Cybersecurity is no different. It’s the practice of protecting other valuables, such as your identity, banking records and other sensitive information, from digital attacks and theft…. Continue reading.
As a member of Warren County REMC, you make an investment in the co-op every time you pay your bill. This collective investment in the co-op benefits you and the community immediately and over time. So, what exactly is this monthly investment, and how do you benefit from it? The service charge (currently $36.25 for… Continue reading.
A few months ago, I shared an update on Tipmont’s recently refreshed logo for our cooperative. If you access the Tipmont website in any capacity, you’ve certainly noticed a radical reinvention there, too. Intended to improve the online experience for members like you, the new makes it easier to find everything you need. (Be… Continue reading.