AIR-TO-AIR HEAT PUMPS New construction or replacing gas or heat pump: $750 — Dual/Variable Speed Compressor Replacing electric resistance heat $1,500 — Dual/Variable Speed Compressor $800 — Single Speed Compressor GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP New construction or replacing electric resistance heat, gas, heat pump or geothermal $1,500 — Desuperheater or “hot water assist” recommended on new… Continue reading.
When I turned 16, I landed my first paying job working for a small family-owned bookstore. The starting wage was $1.35/hour, and I was thrilled to have money in my pocket at the end of every week. No more “allowance” or asking my parents for money for the things I “needed.” Of course, “needs” in… Continue reading.
David Lewallen has advanced to president and CEO at Marshall County REMC. Lewallen brings 16 years of experience to the job. Lewallen has been employed at Marshall County REMC since July 2004. His primary responsibility early in his career included supervising the sales and installation of Marshall County REMC’s Exede Satellite Internet Service, as well… Continue reading.
Mark Batman, president and CEO for Marshall County REMC, retired after 17 years of service. Batman began his career at Marshall County REMC in 2003 as the office manager. In 2011, he was promoted to president and CEO where he guided the cooperative through many advancements in leading edge technology including the implementation of the… Continue reading.
Marshall County Fiber is now available in the area highlighted in green on the map shown below. Members who are interested in receiving fiber to their homes not included in the highlighted area shown are encouraged to submit their information at at the bottom of the home page. This will help Marshall County Fiber… Continue reading.
We regretfully announce the cancellation of the following programs due to concerns related to the ongoing pandemic. Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. Touchstone Energy Camp Page Day However, local youth can still participate in the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest. All Indiana public, private or homeschooled students in kindergarten through 12th grade during the… Continue reading.
Early last year, our staff and directors gathered to consider Kankakee Valley REMC’s future. We developed a three-year strategic plan to help us prepare for the needs of both our membership and our co-op. This is the first in a series of three columns in which I will share insight into our plans. As you… Continue reading.
Much of Kankakee Valley REMC’s success is due to a committed and forward-thinking board of directors. Otto Werner and Susan Bachert have been leaders on that board for a combined 42 years. Both recently decided to retire, effective at the upcoming KV REMC annual meeting on June 10. First elected to the board in 1991,… Continue reading.
We at Kankakee Valley REMC believe the future of our community is our youth so we think our time and money is well-spent providing youth programs. However, the current state of the pandemic prevents us from safely offering Page Day this month and Youth Tour and Touchstone Energy Camp this summer. There are too many… Continue reading.
Kankakee Valley REMC is not owned by far-away investors or run by an appointed board of directors. It is run by a democratically elected board that is given the privilege to serve its fellow co-op member-consumers, neighbors, and friends. If leading your co-op interests you, consider running for directorship in the 2021 election. At the… Continue reading.