While things are still COVID-crazy, I am excited about what 2021 has in store. We have learned that we are adaptable, resilient, and can provide excellent service in any situation, including a pandemic, so we are prepped and ready for great things this year. We continue to dive in to our strategic planning process and… Continue reading.
The power cost adjustment (PCA) is a separate line item on each DCREMC bill statement which reflects the increases/decreases in the co-op’s cost of power purchased wholesale from Hoosier Energy. The fluctuation in the PCA is largely caused by changes in the cost of fuel for generation. Because Hoosier is purchasing more power on the… Continue reading.
The Decatur County REMC nominating committee is seeking qualified members to run for directorship in Districts 8, 5, and 6. Board governance is an integral component of a successful cooperative. Interested members may request a petition at the REMC office or speak with your nominating committee member for more information. Current nominating committee representatives are:… Continue reading.
Baby, it’s cold outside! When you’re feeling chilly at home, there are several budget-friendly ways you can keep comfortable without turning up the thermostat. Here are five easy ways to stay cozy this winter. Whether you’re experiencing extremely cold winter temps or you simply “run cold,” an electric blanket can deliver quick warmth like a… Continue reading.
Heroes come in all varieties. Superman, Batman, Captain America — they all have similar traits. They are all brave, selfless, strong and courageous, right? Most don’t realize this, but Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) employs its very own hero, Journey Lineman Brian AmRhein. Much like Clark Kent and Superman, AmRhein rarely reveals his true identity and… Continue reading.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present. Also present were CEO Brett Abplanalp and employees Eric Busch, Sam Ruf and Crystal Greathouse. Upon motion made by Steve AmRhein, seconded by Dale Wernke and carried, the agenda was approved. Safety Minute… Continue reading.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All members were present. Brelage, Suzanne Parmer, Steve AmRhein, Jeff Lawrence and Carl Riedeman attended in person, and Scheidler, Jason Barnhorst and Dale Wernke attended virtually. Also attending were CEO Brett Abplanalp and Crystal Greathouse in person, and… Continue reading.
The Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) board of directors has a responsibility to listen, guide, and make decisions in the best interest of the members and cooperative. The board is the governing body responsible for establishing policies, providing oversight, and delegating authority to the CEO to execute plans, programs, and policies. The board works diligently to… Continue reading.
Join us to share your input and concerns! Jan. 26 | 6-7:30 p.m. Help guide the future of the REMC as we plan for the future. Be a key component of the strategic planning process. Meeting Information Meeting link: https://remc.webex.com/remc/j.php?MTID=md175f6e7529425cc51b7b6f4d40fc285 Meeting number: 180 160 8389 Password: NKeKXyAP452 More ways to join Join by phone +1-415-655-0002… Continue reading.
In his 27 years at Hoosier Energy, Line Foreman Mark Richardson has trekked countless hours across the hills and hollers of southern Indiana and Illinois to find downed power lines. Each winter storm comes with its own challenges complicated by cold temperatures and snowfall. Richardson recalls a rough snowstorm several years ago, when he and… Continue reading.
When we say that we live in a “connected” world, most of us think about technology, like our smart phones and other devices and gadgets. But when you’re a member of an electric co-op (that’s you!), there’s so much more to being part of our connected co-op community. As member of Harrison REMC, you help… Continue reading.