For Clark County REMC’s new application specialist, Alex Olson, home is definitely where the heart is. The Clarksville native is a Jeffersonville High School graduate who moved to Louisville and lived there for 15 years. But Olson and his wife, Stephanie, decided to return to Clark County when their daughter, Teagan, now nine years old,… Continue reading.
Tuesday, Dec. 8 | 6 – 8 p.m. Join us for some holiday magic as you drive through the REMC property to enjoy lights, goodies, and special appearances by Santa and his reindeer. Follow us on social media or visit our website for more details.
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your membership in our electric cooperative. Recent events have made me pause and think about the role we play in our community and because of your membership, we are able to make our community a better place. Since the COVID-19… Continue reading.
Help us partner with Lincoln Central Neighborhood Family Center (LCNFC) to provide new storebought or hand knitted caps, hats, mittens, gloves and scarves for their clients who are unable to purchase them for their families. Beginning now through Dec. 11, Bartholomew County REMC will collect these items and donate them to LCNFC. These collected items… Continue reading.
As an electric cooperative, Bartholomew County REMC is guided by an elected board of directors which represents its members’ best interest when making important decisions. Being a member of the co-op’s board is an incredibly important position in our community. A director’s decisions will impact issues, such as service rates, rights of way and work… Continue reading.
Vampire Power is used by electronic and electrical appliances even when they are shut off. This elusive power use can account for as much as 20% of your monthly electricity bill. Because it often goes unnoticed, we also call it standby power or phantom load. The most common standby electrical vampire culprits that most of… Continue reading.
In 2019, your cooperative spent a great deal of time assessing the importance of broadband internet service and how we could help bridge the current gap that exists between northeast Indiana and the more urban areas of our state. Unfortunately, before we could get through the first couple of months of 2020, the effects… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up Quarter 4 Application Deadline: Dec. 25 Office Closed for Thanksgiving: Nov. 26–27 (Payments can still be made through SmartHub or by using the dropbox located at the office.)