Approximately 46 million turkeys will be eaten at Thanksgiving. The average weight of a turkey purchased for Thanksgiving is 15 pounds. Many people report drowsiness after eating Thanksgiving dinner. While turkey often receives the blame, studies suggest that carbohydrate-rich meals may cause sleepiness by… Continue reading.
Want to make this your most energy-wise Thanksgiving yet? This year, ask those you invite to your home to bring more than just a side dish. Ask guests to come prepared to share their favorite ways to save energy and reduce their monthly electric bills. After dinner, go around the table and have each person… Continue reading.
When Ralphie Parker’s dad attempts to plug his glorious but tragically fra-gee-lee “Italian” leg lamp into an overloaded wall outlet in the holiday movie classic “A Christmas Story,” there first came a “snap of a few sparks” and the “whiff of ozone” before the lamp blazed forth in the front window. While that’s a funny… Continue reading.
There’s an old political saying, “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” This adage is the perfect answer to the question, “why vote?” It’s a blunt description of what happens when you don’t engage in the political process. If you don’t vote, you’re not only missing the opportunity to support a candidate… Continue reading.
This Halloween, be aware that the hungry little vampires who ring your doorbell aren’t the only ones you need to be afraid of. Energy vampires inside your home are sucking electricity right out of the wires — for no good reason. Energy vampires are appliances and electronic devices that you leave plugged in when nobody… Continue reading.
Early autumn is often considered the best time to plant a tree. But no time is a good time if you don’t have a plan and take precautions. Not only do dangers lurk for the person at planting time, but without a plan, a tree can cause problems for nearby power lines, people who rely… Continue reading.
It can be an exciting and exhausting time, the culmination of a season of hard work. However, the rush to harvest can also yield tragic outcomes. Each year, dozens of farm workers are killed, and hundreds are injured in accidents involving power lines and electrical equipment. Farm workers should take these steps to ensure… Continue reading.
October is a pretty special month for Southeastern Indiana REMC because it is National Co-op Month. Being a member of a co-op is special because you are also an owner. You own a stake in our business, and just like any stakeholder, there are many benefits to your membership. One of the most important… Continue reading.
An independent research firm will contact some residential consumer-members through an internet or telephone survey to identify emerging trends in power use. If contacted, we hope you participate. Rest assured all of the information is confidential. You will never be asked for your name, account number, credit card number or payment of any type.
As an electric cooperative, our top priority is always to provide reliable, affordable energy to you, the consumer-members we serve. Because we are a co-op, our mission is to enrich the lives of our members and serve the long-term interests of our local community — and this mission has never been more critical than in… Continue reading.