You are more than just a customer who purchases power from Kankakee Valley REMC. You are also a member. As a member-consumer, you can help select who serves on your cooperative’s board of directors. In addition to board members being member-consumers just like you, they are also accountable to the membership. When you vote in… Continue reading.
This year, the Kankakee Valley REMC membership will elect two member-consumers to serve on the REMC board. Three candidates have met the necessary requirements to run for directorship. These are the only individuals eligible to run for directorship and to be placed on the ballot. This year’s candidates are being elected for District 4 and… Continue reading.
For Indiana electric cooperatives, serving the community means more than just providing safe and reliable elec-tricity. It also involves pitching in to help meet the needs of our member-consumers in other ways, too. Beginning on Aug. 10, your cooperative employees will be participating in a community day activity to benefit our local community and membership…. Continue reading.
Even though I work in the energy industry, like most people, I still don’t think much about the electricity I use. I expect the lights to turn on when I flip the switch and the coffeemaker to work each morning. Because electricity is so abundant, we don’t think much about it. Since many of us… Continue reading.
Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Michael Brelage kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer, Crystal Greathouse and Eric Busch. Upon motion by Suzanne Parmer, seconded by Dale Wernke and carried,… Continue reading.
Working with electricity can be a dangerous job, especially for lineworkers. In fact, USA Today lists line repairers and installers among the most dangerous jobs in the United States. That’s why for Harrison REMC, safety is the number one priority. This is not empty talk. Over time, we have created a culture of putting our… Continue reading.