In conjunction with Gov. Holcomb’s reopening plan, the DCREMC office will reopen to the public beginning July 6. Necessary precautions and safety measures are in place to ensure the health and well-being of our employees, members, and community. Additionally, we will resume assessing penalties and disconnects with the July billing. We understand that COVID-19 has… Continue reading.
Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Michael Brelage kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer and, via conference call, Rachel Sullivan, Crystal Greathouse and Eric Busch. A motion by Jason Barnhorst,… Continue reading.
We’ve all had to alter tried-and-true plans and procedures due to the coronavirus. Kankakee Valley REMC has as well. Take the co-op’s annual meeting. Those who’ve attended the KV REMC meeting in the past look forward to this opportunity to reconnect with friends and family, meet their co-op’s leadership team, elect board members, and participate… Continue reading.
Those big green boxes in many yards may not be particularly attractive, but they are very important to ensuring you have a safe and reliable supply of electricity. They are what we call “pad-mount” transformers. While overhead power lines are mounted on utility poles and substations are protected by security fences, pad-mounted transformers are… Continue reading.
To help our member-consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, Kankakee Valley REMC temporarily suspended service disconnections due to non-payment of bills and suspended assessing any new late fees since that time. This was done to assist families and businesses during these uncertain times. Importantly, these disconnect suspensions are not bill waivers. Member-consumers will… Continue reading.
Daily, the Seven Cooperative Principles guide operations at Kankakee Valley REMC. Concern for Community is one of those principles. We are proud to invest in our communities. A recent grant-matching opportunity through the CoBank Sharing Success program allowed us to double the impact of our financial gifts to four local organizations. CoBank, one of… Continue reading.
As of July 1, drivers are prohibited from using handheld devices while driving on Indiana roads. The new legislation, intended to combat distracted driving, prohibits drivers from holding or using a handheld mobile device while operating a moving vehicle. When drivers are distracted, accidents often occur. Many times, when drivers veer off roads they hit… Continue reading.
Boone REMC will partner with several entities to provide electric service to the town of Thorntown in the event of a power outage or equipment testing. Boone REMC began construction on the project near SR 75 in Thorntown. Duke Energy has financed the project and will complete their construction following Boone REMC’s portion. Currently, there… Continue reading.