To keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the Feb. 19 board meeting. 1. All directors were present along with CEO Steve Seibert and administrative assistant Lisa Hinton. Also present was systems engineer Todd Hammond and John Wolfram of Catalyst Consulting, LLC. 2. The Jan. 29 board meeting… Continue reading.
We want to give a few of our members some money! The following is a list of people who were Orange County REMC members in 1959 and have unclaimed credits. We do not have current contact or mailing information for these members. This month, we are publishing members whose last names begin with the letter… Continue reading.
Working with electricity can be a dangerous job, especially for lineworkers. In fact, USA Today lists line repairers and installers among the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. That’s why for Orange County REMC, safety is the number one priority. This is not empty talk. Over time, we have created a culture of putting our… Continue reading.
Eugene Roberts, District 1 and Ben Lindsey, District 5 are incumbents whose terms expire in 2020. Petitions of nominations due by April 22 Nominations by the board (absent incumbents seeking re-elections or petitioners) by April 22 Full slate of candidates posted and mailed by May 14. All candidate biographies published in the May or June… Continue reading.
We are excited to announce that construction of high-speed Fiber Optic Internet service, through our subsidiary, Orange County Fiber is progressing on schedule, with Phase 1 complete and Phase 2 about 80% complete. We are also pleased to announce that nearly 70% of members who now have access to the service have subscribed, with only… Continue reading.
By Emily Schilling They look innocent enough: tiny, smooth, brightly colored, sweet nuggets that rest so invitingly in Easter baskets amid cellophane “grass.” Why then do they threaten me so? Evil shouldn’t lurk within a jelly bean! OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit when I say “evil.” But since I remember when the only dangers… Continue reading.
Due to concerns regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and following the recommendation of Gov. Eric Holcomb, the board of directors of Marshall County REMC has decided to postpone the cooperative’s annual membership meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, at the Plymouth Wesleyan Church. Our board of directors will continue to monitor the… Continue reading.
Marshall County REMC has begun changing out all the A/C, water heater and pool pump load control switches on its system because the old switches are obsolete with the new metering system. The REMC is working with Bill’s Heating & Cooling, a licensed HVAC contractor, on replacing all the switches. If you haven’t received… Continue reading.
Marshall County REMC linemen are responsible for keeping over 1,000 miles of line across six counties working. Because of them, we’re able to bring power to your home and our local community 24/7, regardless of the weather, holidays, birthday parties or other important occasions. Beyond the years of specialized education, it takes determination and a… Continue reading.
We have all heard a similar phrase: “In times of crisis, everyone pulls together.“ Over the past few weeks, that phrase has been proven at your cooperative. Planning for a health emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is unlike other business planning. Your cooperative had to be prepared to operate with a significantly smaller workforce,… Continue reading.
When you think about the people you interact with at your local electric cooperative, you might think of the customer service representative who you spoke to with a question about your service. Perhaps you recall the lineworkers you saw working outside your home during the last rainstorm or snowstorm. Regardless of who you interacted with… Continue reading.