February can be hard on energy bills. But cold winter weather is no match for a home that is prepared to fight it. Address these five common winter culprits throughout your house: Drafty doors and windows. An easy fix with a big payback is weather-stripping. Caulk or apply weather-stripping around all window and door seams,… Continue reading.
Often, when we hear the phrase “New Year’s resolutions,” we equate that to personal goals. But as your cooperative’s leadership team can attest to, business goals are just as important. Your cooperative is committed to providing safe, reliable and responsibly sourced electricity to its member-consumers. This year, we’ve developed some exciting new plans and I… Continue reading.
Touchstone Energy Camp (June 3-6, 2020) A fun, powerful and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2020. Horseback riding, canoeing, zip lining, trying out archery, swimming, learning about electrical safety and bucket truck rides. A fun, powerful and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2020. Horseback riding,… Continue reading.
If you would like to figure your electric bill (to compare to the one Kankakee Valley REMC sends you), here’s how: Track the kilowatt-hours you used on your meter for the month (or use the amount shown on your bill — they should be about the same). Multiply your kWh by the rate shown at… Continue reading.
Kankakee Valley REMC is run by a democratically elected board of directors. If leading your electric co-op interests you, consider running for directorship at the 2020 KVREMC Annual Meeting to be held on June 4 at the Porter County Expo Center. Member-consumers running for directorship must attend the mandatory meeting on March 31 at 6:30… Continue reading.
In 2019, your generosity allowed the co-op to give back over $102,000 in grants to 45 area non-profit organizations through the Operation Round Up program. It is only through your generous giving, when you round up your electric bill, that we can help organizations assist those in need. Below are organizations that received Operation Round… Continue reading.
Every month in this new section, we’ll tell you where our maintenance and construction crews will be and what they will be doing. Right-Of-Way Maintenance Clearing tree and overgrown vegetation is vital to providing safe, reliable power to our member-consumers. We clear certain area, known as rights-of-way, to: Keep power lines clear of… Continue reading.
It’s no surprise that there is an increased potential for fire risks and electrical safety hazards in the winter. During the coldest months, consumers use additional electrical devices and appliances, like space heaters, electric blankets and possibly portable generators. This winter, safeguard your loved ones and your home with these electrical safety tips from… Continue reading.
“To move forward, you have to give back.” This quote from Oprah Winfrey reflects the special bond and obligation that ties Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) to the community we serve. With Valentine’s Day approaching, we can’t think of a better time to express how much we love this community and serving you, the members of… Continue reading.
The Decatur County REMC nominating committee is seeking qualified members to run for directorship in Districts 3, 4, and 7. Board governance is an integral component of a successful cooperative. Interested members may request a petition at the REMC office or speak with your nominating committee member for more information. Current nominating committee representatives… Continue reading.
Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) is proud to welcome Sam Ruf to our team. Ruf is the new technology administrator at DCREMC. He assists the team with all technology needs and maximizes current systems while providing solutions for future technology needs. Ruf is a graduate of Ball State University and previously served as the IT director… Continue reading.