Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Michael Brelage kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer, Chris Gallaway and Crystal Greathouse. Upon motion by Dale Wernke, seconded by Michael Brelage, and carried,… Continue reading.
It’s no surprise that winter months bring increased potential for fire risks and electrical safety hazards. This makes sense because during the coldest months, consumers are using additional electrical devices and appliances, like space heaters, electric blankets and portable generators. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that 47,700 home fires occur each year in the… Continue reading.
Once again, Harrison REMC will send members their 2020 annual meeting information and registration card by using a wrap around this magazine. All members will receive this in the March issue of this magazine, even those who normally receive it via email. Annual meeting: April 7 at Corydon Central High School.Registration starts at 5:30 p.m…. Continue reading.
Harrison REMC recently honored employees with milestone anniversaries at its annual employee event. Employees reaching a milestone included: 20 Years Billy Baelz, lineman Perry Fraze, field services manager Roy Leffler, lineman 5 Years Keith Lieber, accounting manager Clayton Nix, lineman Joey Stilger, lineman “Thank you to all the employees for their hard work and commitment… Continue reading.
Harrison REMC will make a Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment to its retail rates as a result of changes in Hoosier Energy Inc.’s wholesale power costs to its member Rural Electric Membership Corporations (REMCs). This action will result in an expected increase to member bills of $0.000994 per kWh (99 cents per 1,000 kWh). This change… Continue reading.
Harrison REMC will soon offer prepaid electric service which allows you to pay for electricity in advance. Purchasing electricity before you use it allows you to control your budget and pay how much you want, when you want.
The Electric Assistance Program is designed to help REMC members who are 150 percent below the poverty level pay their electric bills in time of need. You can help by sending a donation of any amount to the program. Each member donation will be matched by equal funds from Harrison REMC.* All contributions made to… Continue reading.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the REMC’s Lend a Hand program. In 2019, members donated $14,120.70. With the REMC matching funds, $28,241.40 has been given to community agencies in the REMC territory. Since 2015, the children of Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Corydon have been collecting a noisy offering … loose change in tin… Continue reading.
Touchstone Energy Camp (June 3-6, 2020) A fun, powerful and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2020. Horseback riding, canoeing, zip lining, trying out archery, swimming, learning about electrical safety and bucket truck rides. APPLY: Go to and hover on the “community” tab for Touchstone Energy Camp applications. NEW this… Continue reading.
I would like to personally invite you to the Boone REMC 2020 annual meeting! We look forward to sharing with you our strategic vision for 2020 and how we are working hard to make this the best year yet! Connect with your board and Boone REMC employees. The annual meeting provides you, as a member,… Continue reading.