By Matt Walters If you shiver when walking into particular areas of your home, you may have considered an electric space heater to warm up the area. When used properly, electric space heaters can effectively (and temporarily) heat certain parts of your home. Yet many people mistakenly believe that using space heaters requires less energy… Continue reading.
If you feel a draft while you’re curled up on the sofa with a good book or your favorite TV show, don’t crank up the thermostat. Move the sofa. The chilliest places in your home during the winter are right next to the windows. So, move your furniture away from the windows. Here are six… Continue reading.
Your home office is a convenient place to work. Is it energy efficient, too?Computers, copiers, monitors, chargers and other office equipment can consume a lot of energy. Tune up your workspace with these five tips: Switch your computer off when you’re done for the day, so it doesn’t burn unused electricity overnight. In fact, any… Continue reading.
February can be hard on energy bills. But cold winter weather is no match for a home that is prepared to fight it. Address these five common winter culprits throughout your house: Drafty doors and windows. An easy fix with a big payback is weather-stripping. Caulk or apply weather-stripping around all window and door seams,… Continue reading.
Clean your clothes dryer’s lint trap every time you load the machine. A lint-free trap allows for better air circulation, which could mean your clothes will dry quicker. When it’s sunny outside, throw open the curtains, even in the winter. Let the sun help warm your room and add enough light that you won’t need… Continue reading.
Flickering lights: If an electrical circuit in your house is overloaded, it could cause the lights to dim or flicker. This usually happens when you have too many energy-intensive appliances or fixtures wired to the same circuit. For example, your lights might flicker when your washing machine is running — if the two are on… Continue reading.
Take these four precautions if you’re giving Valentine’s Day balloons instead of candy this year. Tether each balloon to a weight so it can’t float away. When you’re ready to dispose of the balloons, pop them so they can’t become airborne. Stay at least 10 feet away from power lines if you’re walking outdoors with… Continue reading.
Eat at home. Save on gas – and reduce emissions – by cooking your Valentine’s Day meal together at home. Shop locally. Buy locally grown food for your home-cooked meal. That supports your neighbors and ensures that your food hasn’t traveled to reach you — which takes extra energy. While local food may seem scarce… Continue reading.
We live in a device-driven world. Our smartphones, tablets, laptops and an assortment of other devices help us communicate and connect. Companies spend billions pushing out a steady drumbeat of messages and information, and we are constantly bombarded with one-way communication. But is anyone listening on the other end? At Warren County REMC, we are… Continue reading.
Many electric space heaters advertise they can slash your electric bill. What they don’t advertise is that they can also cause that bill to increase significantly. Whether it’s a standard electric space heater you can buy at a store or a “ruby quartz” or “infrared” souped-up model advertised in a newspaper or on a billboard,… Continue reading.
A New Year brings new opportunities to save energy — and money. You may think energy efficiency upgrades require a great deal of time and expense, but that’s not always the case. If you’re interested in making your home more efficient but don’t want to break the bank, there are several DIY projects you can… Continue reading.
Warren County REMC Is an electric distribution cooperative owned by our members. Equity accumulates on each REMC account when revenues exceed the cost of doing business, termed capital credits. After a time determined by the board of directors, capital credits from each account are allocated or retired to the accountholder or his/her heirs. In December,… Continue reading.