You may not think you need to understand energy demand and purchasing, but do you ever look at your energy bill and wonder what it all means? If your answer to that question is “yes,” then you might be interested to learn how demand impacts your utility bill. Before Noble REMC can send electricity… Continue reading.
Here we are, kicking off a new year of “Ask the Energy Advisor.” It’s my hope you found the previous year’s articles helpful when it comes to understanding your energy consumption and ways to save. To kick off 2020, I’m taking you back to the winters of my childhood. I used to love sledding in… Continue reading.
“Darn it!” You forgot your Noble REMC bill payment was due today, and it’s after 4:30 p.m. Not to worry! Our phones are manned 24/7 to take your payments and automatically apply them to your account. Unfortunately, we’ve seen a rise in members using payment centers — located in grocery stores, gas stations and online… Continue reading.
“What I’ve learned is that before you do any project, call the co-op to see what money is available.” That was the reaction from Jeff Jacobs of MCJ, Inc. when he saw the big presentation check for the farm’s recent decision to go energy efficient with LED bulbs in its newly constructed barn. It also… Continue reading.
We live in a device-driven world. Our smartphones, tablets, laptops and an assortment of other devices help us communicate and connect. Companies spend billions pushing out a steady drumbeat of messages and information, and we are constantly bombarded with one-way communication. But is anyone listening on the other end? At LaGrange County REMC, we are… Continue reading.
The LaGrange County REMC annual meeting is on a new date in 2020 to accommodate our members with busy weekends in the summer. This year, the meeting will take place on Friday, June 12, from 4:30-7 p.m. While it’s on a new date, you can expect the same great fun with a free pork burger… Continue reading.
Nothing’s better than preparing for a hot shower, with your loofa and shower cap in hand, only to absentmindedly walk into an odorous wall of rotten egg smell. Right? Let’s be real: of course not. There are a lot of better smells. Nearly everyone who gets their water from a well knows about and has… Continue reading.
Spring isn’t too far off, and you are probably already starting your “To Do List” of spring projects. If your spring home projects involve upgrading your electric meter base, please remember Heartland REMC requires all new meter bases installed on our system to have a lever bypass. These bypasses will need to be inside all… Continue reading.
It’s hard to believe, but we are now in the year 2020. It seems like it was only yesterday when we were worried about Y2K and had to save our cell phone minutes until the evening or weekends. Now when you carry a smartphone you’ve got a television, radio, digital camera, camcorder, GPS system, calculator,… Continue reading.