Have you ever been interested in becoming part of the governing body at Bartholomew County REMC? BCREMC’s board of directors and nominating comittee members are elected yearly by the members at the annual meeting. Directors are responsible for establishing, reviewing, and revising corporate policies to ensure that Bartholomew County REMC continues to keep service to… Continue reading.
October brings to mind pumpkins, Halloween, and beautiful fall foliage. But October is notable for another reason – it’s National Co-op Month! This is the time of year when cooperatives across the country, including Clark County REMC, celebrate what makes us different: the members we serve. Something that sets our co-op apart from the traditional… Continue reading.
Due to increasing responsibilities at his home and workplace, District 7 Director Derrick Vogt submitted his resignation effective Aug. 7. Clark County REMC would like to extend their appreciation to Director Vogt for his five years of service to our members. We wish him well in the future. By the board’s decision, this vacancy will… Continue reading.
Steuben County REMC welcomes Jessica Lash to our team. We are excited to have her in the member service position. If you stop in to the office, make sure to welcome her. Lash is an Angola native and attended Angola High School. She then went to work on a quarter horse ranch in Texas. When… Continue reading.
When you stop by Steuben County REMC, you will see some new faces and some old faces in new places. Josh Durbin, who was the special services coordinator, is now the director of member services. Durbin has been with us for seven years. During that time, he has helped boost the services and benefits our… Continue reading.
Steuben County REMC is trying to locate members who have unclaimed patronage capital refund checks. You can see the list of names at our website, www.remcsteuben.com. The unclaimed funds are from checks written in 2016 out of our general retirement patronage refunds. These members were served by Steuben County REMC in 1985. The checks were… Continue reading.
It’s possible you’re wasting a lot of energy at home without even realizing it. October is Energy Awareness Month, the perfect opportunity to change your wasteful habits. Just as some foods contain hidden calories — so you gain weight without intending to cheat on your diet — you could be using electricity when you don’t… Continue reading.
What’s inside your refrigerator might be the scariest thing you see this Halloween. Oct. 30 is Haunted Refrigerator Night, and it’s a great time to clean your ’fridge — all the way to the backs of the shelves. Unplug the appliance, pull it away from the wall, and use soap, white vinegar and water to… Continue reading.
This Halloween, be aware that the hungry little vampires who ring your doorbell aren’t the only ones you need to be afraid of. Energy vampires inside your home are sucking electricity right out of the wires — for no good reason. Energy vampires are appliances and electronic devices that you leave plugged in when nobody… Continue reading.