Posts by: Indiana Connection
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County Profile: Orange County
By Richard G. Biever Franklin D. Roosevelt probably didn’t dub his successful 1932 presidential campaign — “New Deal” — after unsuccessfully playing cards in a French Lick gambling house. But he first laid what became his bold “new deal for the American people” on the table at the 1931 National Governors’ Conference at the renowned… Continue reading.

10 tips to prevent Christmas catastrophes
Even the happiest of times can turn to tragedy if everyone’s not careful. This winter, practice some commonsense electrical safety. You could prevent accidents, fires and injuries — and save the season for everyone who gathers in your home for the holidays. Here are 10 electrical safety tips: 1. Buy lights designed for outdoor use. … Continue reading.

Newer heat pump technology can keep you comfortable for less
Many people feel the heat of high energy costs when weather turns chilly. Fortunately, air source heat pumps can warm your home without wearing down your wallet. Hoosiers use a variety of heating fuels to keep them cozy in the fall and winter. Liquid propane, fuel oil, natural gas, and electricity can be found in… Continue reading.

Protect all your family members from electrical dangers…even the ones with paws!
Picture this all too familiar scene: You walk into the living room after a long day at work and find your dog chewing on something (again). You ask him what he has in his mouth (like he’s going to answer you!). On most days, he’s chewing on your favorite pair of shoes. But this time,… Continue reading.

Video game consoles can save you tons in energy costs
If a video-game fanatic is on your holiday shopping list, consider updating his or her video game console to a newer model. Newer consoles use a lot less energy than older ones. Still, gaming consoles are so energy inefficient that the National Resources Defense Council a couple of years ago estimated they consume enough electricity… Continue reading.

Craft Corner: Sweet trees fun to make — and eat
It’s the same thing every year — the Christmas tree is up, you decorate it and that’s that. But it all happens so fast. Sometimes you just want to keep going and decorate some more trees! Well, we’ve got a way for you to keep up the tree trimming! Make some edible Christmas trees using… Continue reading.

Hohman for the Holidays
By Richard G. Biever If words and phrases like: “You’ll shoot your eye out” “Triple-dog dare” “Fragil-ee” and “Oh, fuuuuuudge!!” immediately bring smiles to your face and visions of BBs ricocheting in your head, have we found a home for you this holiday season! Hammond’s “‘A Christmas Story’ Comes Home” is a holiday exhibit and… Continue reading.

Watch out for fa-la-la-la-fakes
Whether you’re buying lights to trim the tree or power tools to wrap as gifts, beware of bogus “bargains” this holiday season. Many home products can be illegally counterfeited, placing the purchaser — or the recipient of the perilous present — in danger of using faulty electrical equipment that does not meet product safety standards…. Continue reading.

Toy Wonders
By Richard G. Biever When Christmas dawns and children scamper with wide-eyed anticipation to the tree, often the most anxious to gather are the parents and grandparents bringing up the rear. As the wrapping paper and ribbons start flying, there are so many things for the adults to ponder among the wonder. Will each child… Continue reading.