Posts by: Indiana Connection
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Save this fall with energy efficiency tips
Autumn is the time of year when your energy bill typically gets a break, before the extreme temperatures of winter set in. Here are a few ways you can maximize energy savings this time of year, and heading into winter. Open the blinds or curtains on your south-facing windows for some free solar gain during… Continue reading.

Energy vampires can suck your wallet dry
This Halloween, be aware that the hungry little vampires who ring your doorbell aren’t the only ones you need to be afraid of. Energy vampires inside your home are sucking electricity right out of the wires — for no good reason. Energy vampires are appliances and electronic devices that you leave plugged in when nobody… Continue reading.

REMC participates in Young Farmers’ Safety Day
Marshall County REMC linemen Doug MacLain, Zachary Booker and Jason Hughes spoke about electrical hazards and safety tips at the Culver Young Farmers’ Safety Day on Sept. 12 at Co-Alliance in Argos.

Work Anniversary: Doug MacLain
Years of service: 25 Title: Journeyman Lineman Doug MacLain and his wife, Kay, have been married for 32 years. Together they have two daughters, Nicole and Victoria, and one son, Ryan. MacLain enjoys golfing, hunting, making toy semi-truck models and DIY projects with his wife. Marshall County REMC thanks you for your 25 years of… Continue reading.

Time to apply for 2020 Page Day

Traveling memorial visits Marshall County
The Operation Round Up Board was honored to support the American Legion Post 27 in bringing the American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT) to Marshall County on Sept. 12-15. This 80% scale replica of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C., spans 360 feet and is 8 feet high at its apex. Listed on the wall… Continue reading.

Be safe around power tools

By the community, for the community
When you think of October, crisp mornings, the changing color of the leaves, and, if you’re a sports fan, football might naturally come to mind. But October is notable for another reason. It is National Cooperative Month. During this month, your cooperative, along with others across the country, celebrate who we are and, more importantly,… Continue reading.

Power lines and farm equipment: Know what to do
Harvest season is just around the corner. Kankakee Valley REMC reminds area farmers of the dangers that power lines pose when you’re moving machinery in and out of the field. The most common risk of electrocution for farm workers, according to the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, comes from overhead power lines. Tall equipment,… Continue reading.

Survey ongoing
From September 2019 through January 2020, Kankakee Valley REMC will be conducting a survey of residential co-op member-consumers. This telephone survey is conducted every three years, and helps our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, determine how much power will be needed in the near future. The survey will be conducted by Oppenheim Research, a… Continue reading.

Is an EV for you?
It is becoming more common to see electric vehicles on the roadways. The new advanced technology has people wondering, is this the right car for me? Kankakee Valley REMC recognized this growing trend and saw an opportunity to be an information resource for our membership. At a recent Electric Vehicle Test Drive Experience event hosted… Continue reading.