Gavin Scherschel walks a small piece of wood over to a tabletop circular saw and carefully trims it to the perfect length. He is on a team building a model home in the construction trades program at the North Lawrence Career Center. A year ago, the process of trimming a piece of wood was not… Continue reading.
Photos and Story By Richard G. Biever Going the extra mile is what makes Sarah Mahnesmith smile … and tick. In track and field, instead of the one-mile, the Rensselaer Central High senior prefers running the two-mile. In 4-H, she wasn’t just a local leader; she represented Indiana at the National 4-H Congress. In high… Continue reading.
Q: Please don’t think I’m totally crazy, but I couldn’t get anyone around here to answer this question and I thought someone at Purdue could. I have two trees in my backyard that are growing branches that are completely different from the rest of the trees. It is NOT another tree coming up under them,… Continue reading.
What’s our favorite way to kick off Baby Safety Month? By taking a quick inventory of your home to be sure it’s electrically safe for your little ones! Whether you’ve recently welcomed your first baby, or you already have a full house, it’s vital to keep your home electrically safe for the little ones. Electrical… Continue reading.
By Judy Moore Like a giant blank canvas waiting to be painted, a large blank wall may seem like a daunting vast expanse begging to be adorned. A gallery wall is a creative and visually appealing way to show off your photos, artwork, or other hanging décor. It can really add a contemporary flair to… Continue reading.
Two-lane highways steadily brought people to Dillsboro over the first half of the 20th century. Then interstates sped them away. What remains of the small southeastern Indiana town, like so many rural towns everywhere, are empty buildings, fading photos, memories — and dreams for a revival that still flicker within. Now, a Smithsonian-curated traveling exhibit,… Continue reading.
By Richard G. Biever For a county as renowned for its genealogy research center as Allen County, it’s no surprise it traces its own cultural and economic impact back long before the county’s 1824 founding. The confluence of the St. Joseph and St. Mary rivers, where the Maumee River begins, created a natural crossroads that… Continue reading.
It isn’t every day that a steak place gets rave reviews for its salad bar. But Cork ‘n Cleaver, an institution in Fort Wayne (it opened in 1974), is renowned for its 52-item salad bar which State Rep. Bob Morris calls “the best salad bar in the state.” The recommendation comes with good reason. Besides… Continue reading.
By Nick Geswein One of the best investments you can make for your home is insulation. To choose the best insulation you must consider location and if the comfort and energy savings outweigh the cost. Heat is ‘on the move’ You may not realize it, but the heat in your home is always moving. By… Continue reading.
It’s your worst-case scenario. A major storm was predicted and this time, the predictions were right. Many power lines are down, and your electricity may be out for several days. You are low on everything — food, pet supplies, toilet paper, batteries, diapers and your medication. Imagine how you would feel in this situation. While… Continue reading.
Do you want to have more control over how much you spend each month for electricity? If the answer is “yes,” then Warren County REMC has an option for you. It is called Pre Pay Electric Service and it’s now available to our members. You start Pre Pay by initiating pre-paid service with as little… Continue reading.
Starting this month through January, Warren County REMC will be conducting a survey of residential co-op members. This telephone survey is conducted every three years and helps our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, determine how much power we’ll need in the near future. The survey will be conducted by Oppenheim Research, a Tallahassee, Florida,… Continue reading.