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Storm preparation should begin now

Posted on Aug 31, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

It’s your worst-case scenario. A major storm was predicted and this time, the predictions were right. Many power lines are down, and your electricity may be out for several days. You are low on everything – food, pet supplies, toilet paper, batteries, diapers and your medication.  Imagine how you would feel in this situation.  While… Continue reading.

Larry Scheidler retiring

Posted on Aug 31, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

Humble, dependable, knowledgeable, kind, organized, good listener, servant leader These are just a few words that the employees of Decatur County REMC used to describe the backbone of our organization, Larry Scheidler.  After 20 years of service at Decatur County REMC, Scheidler retires this month. Scheidler joined DCREMC in 1999 after an already lengthy and… Continue reading.

Summary of board’s meeting in June

Posted on Aug 31, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

• Vice Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting. • All members of the board were present. Also present was DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer and Jeanne Loechle. • Upon motion by Michael Brelage, seconded by Dale Wernke,… Continue reading.

Steuben Co. REMC Logo

Capital credits update

Posted on Aug 30, 2019 in Steuben County REMC

Watch out for the list of unclaimed patronage capital refund checks from Steuben County REMC’s 2016 general retirement. The list will be published at the end of the month at  The checks were for former members served by Steuben County REMC in the year 1985 and were returned to us as “undeliverable” by the… Continue reading.

Are you laboring wisely?

Posted on Aug 30, 2019 in Steuben County REMC

Extension cords and power tools • Check power tools and electrical cords to make sure they are in good condition. Power tools should be designed for outdoor use. • Extension cords should be designed for outdoor use. They are thicker, more durable and have features for preventing moisture damage. • Use three-wire extension cords with… Continue reading.

Outdoor Adventures

Posted on Aug 30, 2019 in Steuben County REMC

As summer winds down and fall begins, outdoor activities such as swimming, camping and hiking are rewarding ways to connect with nature before the chill of winter sets in. However, a few common-sense precautions can help to ensure a safe, fun excursion. When planning your outdoor trip, make certain you know the area and weather… Continue reading.

Feel the energy

Posted on Aug 30, 2019 in Southern Indiana Power

There’s a quiet transformation happening across the nation. America’s smaller communities are changing in remarkable ways — while holding steadfastly to the values that, for generations, have made them the places people choose to build a better life for themselves and their families. Small towns now are all about embracing the beauty of a simpler… Continue reading.