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Garrett Keiser

Countdown to COOOOOL

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Heartland REMC

Warmer air means air conditioners are running more frequently and families are faced with higher electricity use. With a few simple steps, such as seasonal maintenance of properly sized and installed energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment, along with properly sealed ducts, you can save as much as 20 percent on annual energy costs. Following the… Continue reading.

Stay back and stay safe

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Harrison REMC

Working with electricity can be a dangerous job, especially for lineworkers. In fact, USA Today lists line repairers and installers among the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. That’s why for Harrison REMC, safety is the number one priority. This is not empty talk. Over time, we have created a culture of putting our crews’… Continue reading.

Harrison REMC logo

Does the REMC owe you money?

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Harrison REMC

Harrison REMC has posted a list of individuals at had a capital credit check that was issued in July 2017 for the capital credit years of 1979–1981 and remains unclaimed. Each check was mailed to the last known address on record at the REMC. A notice of where to obtain the list of unclaimed… Continue reading.

Harrison REMC logo

2019 Bus Trips

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Harrison REMC

Opry Mills Mall: Friday, Dec. 6 Leave at 7:30 a.m. and return at 8 p.m. Cost: $45  Come join us on the shopping trip of the year. This mall is Tennessee’s largest outlet and retail destination. If shopping is not your thing, you can take the shuttle to the Opryland Hotel and check out the beautiful… Continue reading.

Harrison REMC logo

Account notifications offered to members

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Harrison REMC

Harrison REMC offers a service that allows members to authorize the REMC to send text, email, or phone notifications to alert them to specific messages from the co-op. Below is a list of notifications that are offered by the co-op.  INVOICE PROCESSED: A message indicating your REMC bill has been generated.  TWO-DAY REMINDER: Sent two… Continue reading.

Annual meeting election results

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

Board of Directors District 1 — Suzanne Parmer District 2 — Carl Riedeman Nominating Committee District 1 — Dennis Dickman District 3 — Marilyn Davis Thank you to the previous directors and nominating committee members who served our members. We appreciate your leadership and dedication to DCREMC. Congratulations to those newly elected.

Summary of board’s meeting in April

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

• Chairman Tom Crowe called the April 25, 2019, meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting. • All members of the board were present. Also present was DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC Bookkeeper Jennie Meyer. • Upon motion by Steve AmRhein, seconded by Brian Scheidler, and carried,… Continue reading.

Employees tour energy facilities to build knowledge

Posted on Jun 23, 2019 in Decatur County REMC

Decatur County REMC employees recently toured a number of Hoosier Energy facilities around southern Indiana to build their knowledge and understanding of the power generation and supply process. The educational opportunity gave most employees their first look at Hoosier Energy’s facilities, broadening the level of service and support the employees provide members. Hoosier Energy is… Continue reading.