Posts by: Indiana Connection
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The co-op way
When I started working for the REMC years ago, I was told we were a cooperative. At that point, I didn’t quite understand the meaning behind that. As I continued into my co-op career, I learned that being a part of a cooperative is special. Instead of a few people owning the business, like an… Continue reading.
Win Energy REMC participates in community events
On April 18, employees had the opportunity to attend Lincoln High School’s Career Fair. All students from Lincoln High School and Clark Middle School attended, while juniors and seniors from Rivet, North Knox, and South Knox also attended. Sullivan High School students had the opportunity to learn about electricity and view our live line demonstration… Continue reading.
Common causes of power outages
Signs of an energy scam
New employee news
Please welcome Annie Bedwell to WIN Energy REMC! She is a member services representative in the Sullivan office. Welcome, Annie!
Steps to restoring service
Tornadoes or other weather-related disasters often bring widespread power outages. Most electric utilities follow a similar methodical plan that ensures power is restored to the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time in the safest manner possible. To do that, your co-op utilizes this priority system when line crews are working on… Continue reading.
Unmasking scams
Consumers with water, gas, and electricity connections have long been targets for utility scams. But in today’s digital world, every swipe and click increases the risk of potential scams. Scammers are more sophisticated than ever, and they understand our increasing reliance on technology. With their sharpened digital knives, scammers have adapted their tactics to trick… Continue reading.
Familiarize yourself with your home’s electrical system
A lot of people won’t plug in their new TV or toaster without reading the instruction book at least once. But many will move into a new home without understanding the electrical system that makes everything work. Would you know how to trip the main circuit if someone was being shocked at an outlet somewhere? … Continue reading.
Student board gives back
Last month, the Miami Cass REMC Student Board planned and completed its first community service project. As a group, they put together a family movie night to raise awareness for suicide prevention awareness. Board members passed out flyers and goody bags and paid for popcorn and soda for all who attended the event. We are… Continue reading.
Making your voice heard
The annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., which I recently attended, serves as an essential platform for sharing with our congressional delegation how decisions made in Washington impact the communities we serve. This necessity for political involvement is why cooperative leaders annually travel to the nation’s capital to engage with legislators. While there, we advocate… Continue reading.
Celebrating our youth
This year’s scholarship recipients show how successful our students are across our service territory. Noble REMC is proud to be able to invest in the future of these three students who have worked hard to earn this award and others like it for their secondary education. Congratulations to the following seniors who earned $1,000 scholarships… Continue reading.