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Operation Round Up: Putting pennies to work
Kankakee Valley REMC proudly announces its latest Operation Round Up grant recipients, contributing $16,300 to our communities this quarter. iCaleb & Company was granted $1,000 to purchase iPads for children undergoing cancer treatment in northern Indiana. These iPads will offer educational and entertaining support during extended hospital stays. Call A Ride, based in Hebron, received… Continue reading.
Ensuring power reliability
Transformers and electrical lines are critical in delivering power to homes and businesses. At KV REMC, we take the safety and reliability of these components seriously, which is why our dedicated crews perform year-round inspections. These inspections aren’t just routine; they’re vital for preventing outages, identifying potential hazards, and maintaining the integrity of our system…. Continue reading.
Director election results
Thanks to the more than 1,500 of our members who participated in this year’s director election! Three directors were elected to three-year terms at the annual business meeting held on April 20 at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds. Brian Gott was elected to a three-year term to represent District 4 upon the retirement of G…. Continue reading.
Connecting with your home circuit breaker panel
By Matt Strahl An unexpected power outage likely makes you fly to a far-flung region in your home — your circuit breaker box. Many home circuit breaker boxes can be found in areas such as garages and basements. They are the electrical nerve center of your home; they control the flow of electricity throughout your… Continue reading.
Four students attending summer programs sponsored by Boone REMC
As part of our investment in our community, Boone REMC looks for ways to support local students. One way we do that is by collaborating with our statewide association, Indiana Electric Cooperatives, and other electric cooperatives across the state to provide two summer programs. We are sponsoring two incoming seventh graders to attend Camp Kilowatt… Continue reading.
Demonstrations provided for youth, first responders
Throughout the past couple of months, Boone REMC was proud to be a part of several educational events in the community. In March, our team provided a demonstration for fourth graders at Union Elementary. In April, we facilitated three hot line safety sessions for Lebanon emergency services personnel. If you’re interested in having Boone REMC… Continue reading.
Checklist for a power outage
IF YOUR POWER GOES OUT: □ Check your electric service panel. □ If the main circuit breaker is in the tripped position (neither in the on nor the off position), the outage is likely isolated to your location. □ Reset the breaker by firmly flipping to the off position and then to on. □ If… Continue reading.
Steps to replacing a utility pole
Utility poles remain the backbone of most electric distribution systems. After more than 80 years since electric cooperatives first set them throughout rural Indiana, they remain the most cost-effective way to safely support power lines, insulators, transformers, and other electric hardware. Occasionally, either through a vehicle strike, lightning strike, ice storm, tornado, or simply age,… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up program nears $1 million
The Boone REMC Operation Round Up board of trustees recently awarded several grants, bringing the total amount awarded since the program’s inception in 2006 to $983,580.45. The recent grant awards include: Learn more at upcoming member event Boone REMC hosts three Member Advisory Committee (MAC) meetings each year to provide an opportunity for our members… Continue reading.
When severe spring weather hits
When severe weather hits, we respond quickly and make repairs that restore service to the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. Who gets their power restored first? How do we make those decisions? Harrison REMC intends to restore power as quickly and safely as possible. These are the steps we take… Continue reading.