Up to $50 for an HVAC tune-up service or preventative maintenance rebate is now available. Hire a licensed HVAC contractor to perform a pre-determined list of services on your current airsource heat pump or air conditioning cooling unit. There are many advantages to a preventative maintenance service for HVAC equipment:
April is special for many reasons. It’s the first full month of spring. On April 13, hundreds of members will gather for our 85th anniversary at our Jamboree. And it’s also the month when we honor the heart and soul of our cooperative: our linemen! The job of a lineman is one of the most… Continue reading.
My name is Kevin Crouse, and I’m a working foreman at Clark County REMC. We work every day in all weather conditions to make sure our community has the power to live their lives. I love my job. It’s hard work, but it’s very rewarding. I hope this will give you a better look into… Continue reading.
On average in 2023, Tipmont electric service was active 99.97% of the time. It’s a .01% drop from 2022, but our performance ranks above the median for cooperatives statewide and nationwide, as well as those with a similar footprint and growth rate. Tipmont takes pride in providing excellent service, but the value of our annual… Continue reading.
The regular meeting of the board of directors was held on Tuesday, Feb. 27. All directors were present. Also attending were CEO Ron Holcomb and attorney Brian Garrison. The year-to-date margin is $32,870. The cooperative currently has an equity rate of 31.25%, and 218 new services have been installed this year. The next regular meeting… Continue reading.
In March, Tipmont’s fourth-year apprentice linemen took their final exam covering what they had learned from their entire apprenticeship program. All four scored 94% or higher, with one perfect score! Please join us in congratulating Dalton Hilligoss, Tristen Hoffman, Dusty Manns, and Jason Phillips.
Tipmont is one step closer to ensuring our entire electric service territory has access to better in-home internet. We’re on track to complete our build by the end of this year. The areas we’re focusing on throughout 2024 are highlighted in ORANGE on the map. Newly opened zones are highlighted in BLUE. Current timelines and… Continue reading.
Last month, I covered how switching to Tipmont internet service doesn’t mean you must change all your device passwords. This month, I want to talk about password managers — or services that store all your passwords in a secure online vault. The internet is a modern marvel of usefulness, but it’s not without risk. You… Continue reading.
In February, the Arbor Day Foundation named Tipmont a 2024 Tree Line USA utility. It’s the seventh consecutive year Tipmont has been recognized for dedication to proper urban forest management in our service area. Tree Line USA, a partnership between the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, recognizes public and private… Continue reading.