Being an electric cooperative member offers a unique opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process in a business. Because Southern Indiana Power is a cooperative, it is owned by its members. That means members are responsible for electing other members to take the leadership positions on the board of directors to help shape business decisions for the company.
Each year, Southern Indiana Power encourages members to attend and vote for the directors of their choice. A nomination process must occur before the annual meeting. Members interested in being board candidates should review the many responsibilities required of the position.
Any member of the co-op who is 21 years of age or older, resides in the district served and meets the following criteria:
- Must be willing to promote and safeguard the interest of the cooperative among the members and the general public.
- Must not in any way be employed by or financially interested in a business selling supplies to the cooperative.
- Must not be a husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, child, or in-law of a current employee or director of the cooperative.
- No present or former employee of the cooperative shall be eligible to become a board member.
- Must be willing to attend regularly scheduled and special meetings of the board of directors and also attend national, state and local organization meetings with associated interests.
- Must be willing to attain NRECA director certification within nine years after being elected.
The board of directors is a legal body which is held accountable for the actions of the cooperative by both the Southern Indiana Power members and the government. The director serves on a part-time basis and are expected to attend regular board and committee meetings locally, as well as state and national seminars in order to keep informed, and to improve skills necessary to carry out the responsibilities of a co-op director.
Specifically, the board of directors:
- Determines policy guidelines for the daily operation of the cooperative.
- Employs a CEO to direct operations.
- Determines a work plan and budget.
- Sets rate and fee schedules for service.
- Enters into contracts for power supply, services and loans for capital improvements.
- Evaluates the performance of the cooperative and the CEO.
- Reports to the members on the financial condition of the cooperative.
Any member who meets the qualifications listed and wants to be considered as a candidate should contact the cooperative to obtain a petition form.
In accordance with the bylaws of the co-op, all director nominees for election at the annual meeting must be nominated by a certified petition signed by 30 or more members of the cooperative who reside in the district from which the nominee is being selected to run (for the purposes of this petition, a husband and wife constitute only one signature).
Each petition must contain a certification by a member of the district that he or she personnally witnessed each signature included with the petition.
The petition must be filed at the office of the cooeprative not less than 60 nor more than 100 days prior to the annual meeting. The assistant secretary-treasurer of the cooperative shall certify to the board of directors within 15 days after receipt of a petition whether or not the petition contains the necessary 30 member signatures. No nominations may be made at the annual meeting or during the 60-day period preceeding the meeting.
Forms are available at the Southern Indiana Power office. Forms will be accepted starting Jan. 13, 2020, and the deadline to submit the material is Feb. 21, 2020.
Director elections are open to all members. The following districts will be up for election at the 2020 Southern Indiana Power annual meeting.
District 3: Carter and Harrison townships in Spencer County.
District 4: Hammond and Huff townships in Spencer County.
In the event that no qualifying petitions are received, the board of directors shall declare a vacancy in the position of director for that district at its frist meeting after the annual meeting. During such a meeting, the board of directors shall elect a director to fill that vacancy for the unexpired three-year term. The director so elected must reside in the district from which he is being elected to represent.