Camp Kilowatt brightens up Sams’ summer

Posted on Aug 19 2024 in Noble REMC
Caydren Sams
Caydren Sams was sponsored by Noble REMC to attend Camp Kilowatt.

Cooperative, community and camp came together June 5–8, when Noble REMC was fortunate to sponsor an area middle school student to attend Camp Kilowatt in Brookston.

Students entering seventh grade this fall were eligible to attend. The students’ agenda combined traditional outdoor camp activities — everything from archery and canoing to zip lining and horseback riding — with environmental education, electrical safety practices and cooperative business education.

So what did our camper, Caydren Sams from East Noble Middle School in Kendallville, think of the experience?

“Thank you for sending me to Camp Kilowatt! I had a lot of fun,” Sams said. “My favorite things to do were swimming in the lake, archery and going up in a bucket truck. I even learned how to build 1 and 3 phase poles. The best food at camp was tacos, burgers and pancakes. Once again, thank you for letting me go to camp.”

Camp Kilowatt was developed by a committee of electric cooperative employees from Indiana. The camp is funded in part by Indiana’s electric cooperatives, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, Indiana Electric Cooperatives and other industry partners.

A high ropes course was just one of the activities Sams took part in during Camp Kilowatt.
A high ropes course was just one of the activities Sams took part in during Camp Kilowatt.