Why did you choose to accept a job at an electric cooperative?
I grew up in this area and knew it was a great place to work. It’s a great family-like culture; everyone is here to help and that makes it such a nice work environment.
What’s a typical day like?
The most common day includes changing out poles and installing new electric services. However, it seems like every day is different, which I enjoy.
Have you had to master new skills to be successful in your position?
Everything I’ve done in this position is all new to me but I’m eager to learn. Probably the most important things I’ve had to learn about are the cooperative’s electric distribution system, how to read the mapping, and how to run the digger truck. It’s also essential to ask good questions.
Do you see opportunity for growth?
Yes. At my cooperative the position of a groundman is a stepping stone to the start of your career in the industry. I am currently enrolled in the electric line apprentice program. When I’m done, I’ll be a journeyman lineworker and will also have earned an associate’s degree through Ivy Tech Community College.
What part of your job do you find most fulfilling?
At the end of the day, it’s all about making sure the power keeps flowing. The most fulfilling part of my job is restoring service following an outage.
Top 3 Responsibilities In A Day
- Gather materials. It’s important we have all the supplies we need when we leave the warehouse for the day.
- Run the digger truck. This is the truck that digs the holes for the utility poles and helps set them upright.
- Learn. It’s important for me to observe everything going on around me and to ask good questions.
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