Clark County REMC
Clark County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Sellersburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Clark County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Youth power
At Clark County REMC, no one is more important than our members, and that includes children. After all, they’re our members-in-training! We provide a wide variety of programs that benefit our local youth such as safety demonstrations; community youth events; Touchstone Energy Camp for incoming seventh graders; Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., for juniors;… Continue reading.
Career focused!
Hoosier Energy recently redesigned its website so that visitors can quickly learn about the generation and transmission cooperative. The site, HoosierEnergy.com, also focuses on helping job candidates begin a career with cooperatives. The process is simple. From the homepage, visitors can select “View Careers” to find available jobs at Hoosier Energy or one of our… Continue reading.
Youth Tour: A trip of a lifetime
The Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., has taken high school students to the nation’s capital for one week in June every year since the 1960s. This year, Clark County REMC sponsored five students on the weeklong trip. This year’s delegates representing the cooperative were: Rebekah Barger, Ethan Furnish, Nicholas Meriwether, Kyle Shields and Kyle… Continue reading.
Working for you: Jessica Noblitt
Jessica Noblitt is Working for You. As the Accounting Specialist, Jessica has been with Clark County REMC for 2 years. Before coming to the REMC, Jessica worked at Jay C in Sellersburg as the Assistant Store Manager. When asked what she enjoys most about her job at REMC, she stated, “I love the people that I… Continue reading.
Clearing for a purpose
At Clark County REMC, we’re committed to providing you with reliable power. There are some things we can’t prevent — high winds, ice storms, tornados — but we do what we can to prevent other outage culprits. Weather-related events, such as high winds and lightning strikes, are the largest single cause for power outages at… Continue reading.
A scientific solution
One of the byproducts of modern coal plant operations is a fluffy, cakelike substance called gypsum. Thicker than sand, but porous, synthetic gypsum is a much sought-after product for the wallboard, cement and agricultural industries. Gypsum is manufactured from the very substance that the scrubber system removes from coal plant exhaust gas – sulfur dioxide…. Continue reading.
Water heater issues? Let us help!
Let Clark County REMC take the worry out of finding a plumber and purchasing a new water heater. Give us a call during business hours and let us take care of it all for you! Standard Gallon Size & Price: 40 gallon – $679 40 gallon mobile home – $769 50 gallon – $699 Hybrid… Continue reading.
SmartHub app helps keep you informed and cool
Kids are out of school, televisions are on and air conditioners are blasting. The summer heat has returned which can cause a rise in your electricity use. Since you and your family will most likely be spending more time at home during the summer, we have a variety of programs that will keep your house… Continue reading.
Working for you: Clint Schroeder
Clint Schroeder is Working for You. As a Lineman, Clint has been with Clark County REMC for 4 years. When asked what he enjoys most about working at REMC, he stated, “I enjoy restoring power due to an outage, rebuilding the lines when there has been storm damage and the brotherhood of working with the men… Continue reading.
Free Touchstone Energy Home seminar
If you’re in the market to buy, build or remodel a home, please come to our free home energy seminar July 26 & 27. You’ll learn a variety of valuable ways to save money with energy-efficient construction techniques. The sessions are held in our community room at 7 p.m. Just give us a call to… Continue reading.
Going the extra mile
Electric cooperatives are the foundation of the rural electric network. Miles of distribution lines link member-consumers to low-cost, cooperative power. Unlike traditional utilities that serve dense population centers, rural electric cooperatives serve fewer members per mile of line, which could potentially increase the cost of service per member consumer. Despite that disparity, your REMC provides… Continue reading.
Inducted into the Lineman Hall of Fame
Tim Hayden, Purchasing and Facilities Administration Manager at Clark County REMC, traveled to San Antonio this past month with his mother Sharon Hayden and sister Kim Cockerham to accept, on behalf of his father George Hayden, an induction into the International Lineman Museum and Hall of Fame. George Hayden created a mobile museum full of… Continue reading.